who else suffers severe trapped wind - IBS Network
who else suffers severe trapped wind

I have had like others severe and chronic IBS for now for well over 30 years, and have tried many things to relieve this particular symtom alone in that time.
Charcoal biscuits should help in some cases, however high fibre diets sometimes make things worse.
I have also tried things like peppermint oil capsules, sadly none of these has made the slightest of difference in my own case, but may well be of help to others so affected.
The problem I believe is because of slow transit time (typical with IBS) within the Gut, with various groups of muscles squeezing out of sync - like air being put in to a balloon - and is unable to get out, with the resultant pain and discomfort being experienced.
Before I discovered the low FODMAP diet 8 months ago, trapped wind gave me a lot of problems - and still does if I swan off my diet too far and/or too often.
I agree with westnorfolk about slow, intermittent bowel transit time and it became obvious to me that if my bowel wasn't completely empty, then trapped wind was the result. I tried all sorts of remedies and, again like westnorfolk, found none of them worked. Somebody eventually suggested to me that I try using a glycerine (glycerol) suppository at these times and, willing to give anything a go, I did and they really do work.
Yesterday evening I had a recurrence of trapped wind due to 2 days of eating outside of FODMAPs (I really should know better), and this morning, was in a lot of pain and discomfort with immovable wind despite having had 3 small bowel movements. I did the suppository trick and within 45 minutes it had done its job and I was pain-free and back to normal.
You can buy the suppositories OTC from Boots - not a pleasant solution, I know, but may well be worth a try.
Try Wind-eze Gel capsules from the chemist. I myself suffered from painful trapped wind and stomach cramps for over a week, and these capsules worked quickly. Hope this helps.
I do its very pain ful
thanx guys can be a very scary experience x
Yep, me too, had it really bad today. I might try some of those ideas...
My symptoms seem to go in cycles. The overriding problem for the last 10 days or so has been painful trapped wind (which as we know isn't like a healthy person with trapped wind) I remembered Paganmoon's post today and although I hadn't tried it for 2 years, I looked for my glycerine suppositories. I couldn't find them, but I found the dulcolax ones. I was a bit wary of using one as the last time was horrible and ended up with bleeding etc. Anyway, I decided that I would try anything. All I can say is that I will never try it again. I had agonising spasms for about an hour but couldn't go. I won't go into the gory details but mainly mucous. Every time I stood up, the pain came back but there was no way of relieving it. After a couple of hours when it had subsided, I was on my hands and knees applying eye cream to one of my cats when a slight accident happened (to me!) - maybe that type of laxative isn't suited to people with IBS?
I never want to go through that again. The sweat was dripping off me. Although the rational part of me knew it would pass, I also felt like I was going to pass out or have a prolapse.
I never had any luck with Windeze.
A couple of days ago I dug out my Bragg's charcoal tablets. The following day wasn't as bad as the few days prior. I forgot last night, but after tonight's episode, I had 6 charcoal tablets after dinner - if you can call it that as I think of food as potential triggers rather than something to be enjoyed these days
...erm, well I do actually have IBS (whatever that is) and glycerine suppositories obviously work for me - as they do for some other people too.

My post was about not having any glycerine ones available and using dulcolax ones instead, which aren't glycerine, but bisacodyl, a stimulant laxative, rather than osmotic. I don't know if it would be the same for others with IBS, but it was frightening - I would try glycerine ones again though - also another type that I have tried which are gentle, are micralax. I actually had them for one of my cats who has megacolon but ended up using them myself.
Some chemists ask for a prescription but you can buy them without from pet pharmacies without one. hyperdrug.co.uk/Micralax-Mi...
does anyone get really bad wind that can't be relieved by anything and is really smelly and sometimes even happens without farting ? do you guys have any tips for how to deal with this.