I have had a swollen abdomen for about 6 months. I have an underactive thryoid for which I take thyroxine. I have been diagnosed with IBS. My stomach feels bloated all the time.I see from other posts that this seems to be connected. I would appreciate any suggestions?
Distended stomach with underactive thyroide - IBS Network
Distended stomach with underactive thyroide

I'm new but also very interested to hear the connection between thyroid problems and IBS which I've had mildly all my life - very much C type. Three months ago started thyroxine then suddenly had a week of "overflow" diarrhoea just pouring and now very inclined to extreme bloating. Problem with this thing is there are so many variables.
i hv under active thyroid plus i.b.s i hv trouble goin 2 toilet my under active is still low i changed my diet and nw found out that im glutton whear free plus lacto tollerant try changin ur diet and cut out a load of things that u eat it mite work 4 u
I think you should ask your GP for a referral to a dietitian otherwise you'll spend months trying to work out which (if any) foods are responsible.
my GP keeps trying to persuade me to lower my thyroid replacement . I suffer so from iBS-C and low thyroid makes it worse. Whatever danger I'm in from too high thyroid level is better than painful IBS-C.
I also have underactive thyroid and also have experienced both d / c ibs. Was very bad with D while grieving for my husband after bereavment. I now take pro biotics every day and try to staynwith the fodmap diet {although some of the foods that are supposed to be OK are not good for me} I notice 1 reply mentioned the thyroxine medication and my GP gives me a blood test every 6 months and you should only take the dose recommended by your GP taking more than advised can be dangerous.