I have recently noticed that when I have stomach discomfort (I guess it is some form of gastritis), I am super thirsty. Anybody has experienced the same?
Stomach discomfort & thirst: I have recently... - IBS Network
Stomach discomfort & thirst

Oh yes! I used to blame it on smoking but as a non smoker I still get an incredibly dry mouth. Feeling ultra thirsty can be a symptom of anxiety which, for me, goes with the ibs sometimes. Plain water does not help so I tried a sachet of Dioralyte in a glass of water (sometimes in a small water bottle if I'm out and about) and found this also helps calm my gut.
Yes i get very thirsty sometimes in spite of drinking water! I suffer with constipation and it seems worse then, so think there is some connection. It can also i think be caused by acid in the gut, possibly caused by hiatus hernia which i also have.
I haven't connected thirst with when I get stomach discomfort as I thought it was the menopause. Maybe my IBS is causing this rather than the menopause!

I don't know if it's connected frankly. I also suspect too much protein can contribute to thirst as well...
No I don't either but it's strange that you have posted about super thirsty when this has also happened to me. When it happens again I will see if it's when my tummy is worse.
Thank you for sharing

I wonder if it's because when we get pain our body tries protecting the area by drawing fluid round it - hence you feel thirsty!! Don't know about you but my belly blows up like a beach ball and I can out of nowhere gain lbs even if I've been on toilet for hrs!
It could be that, doctors certainly don't seem to know. My stomach does blow up when I'm in a lot of pain and I hate it. IBS is an awful illness and I'm sure if they took all of the rubbish out of our food then we would feel so much better. Wouldn't you rather have to buy your milk say every couple of days rather than it lasting for over a week? I know that I would rather have to buy my food more often.
polydipsia can be caused by serious things like infections etc.
Other causes can be fatty acid deficiency. Low iron etc
Of course if someone isn't drinking 2l every single day they may just be thirsty due to dehydration