I have breast cancer am on tamoxifen, herceptin, anticoagulant but its causing my endometriosis to flare up badly ? Anyone had this problem?
I am 33 and 1yr into treatment had mastectomy, chemo,immunological medicines, hormones treatment. My endo symtoms eased during chemo as I went into menopause but 5 months post chemo periods are back and hurrendouse heavy, huge clots, painful, bowel pain to just before bowel movement and during so bad
I am 33 and 1yr into treatment had mastectomy, chemo,immunological medicines, hormones treatment. My endo symtoms eased during chemo as I went into menopause but 5 months post chemo periods are back and hurrendouse heavy, huge clots, painful, bowel pain to just before bowel movement and during so bad