White Rabbits ! Pinch Punch, first of the month !
Good Morning every one and welcome to March !
You know that here in the Changing Room, I have been away, more than here, and one thing I have had to learn, is that I can change exercise times to adapt to my circumstances.
This got me thinking .( Yes, here I go ), about the times we do our exercises and the whys and wherefores of that . Little did I realise, what a massive subject this is. It makes very interesting reading and there is much documented about it.
So... the every good news, that although different times do produce different benefits, it does seem to be the case, the best time of day to exercise depends on your individual circumstances and preferences, and there's no. one, right time. Exercise is good for us... and that is the base line.
But, different times, different goals and different outcomes, all come into play. Apparently too, it varies for men and women... even more to throw into the mix!
Okay! What works for you..?
Morning, evening, or night time? That is dependent totally, on the best time for you, because the benefits will come from a management of that exercise and how consistent your exercise will be.
There is so much information on this and it is well worth a scroll around the net... but some things I have picked up...
Morning workouts... ?
A great start to any day. Exercise is done with and you are ready to face it all !
Your exercise boosts your mood and makes you feel good, We all know, I hope, that any period of exercise makes those happy hormones smile
Starting with a smile has the potential to indicate a very productive day!
Starting the day with that feeling, can help you with the rest if your day too, a healthy start a healthy eating regime and a healthy approach to mental challenges. Sounds good to me !
It can help improve, apparently, sleeping habits too?
Research has shown that people who exercise early may sleep better. A study published in 2014 looked at people who exercised at three different times of day: 7 a.m., 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. The researchers found that people who worked out at 7 a.m. went to sleep earlier, spent more time in deep sleep and woke up fewer times throughout the night than others.
Blood Pressure
Exercising in the morning may control help to control blood pressure. In a 2014 study, the researchers found that people who worked out at 7 a.m. reduced their post-workout blood pressure by 10%. That dip continued all day and lowered even more at night than the others.
There is an equal amount of information about other times of the day...
Wow... all this is quite mind blowing, isn't it...?
What about those later runs? Do they have as many pros and cons?
Well, the research goes on... with almost as many reasons for later exercise as for early..
Folk are so different, the timing of our individual, clock, ( circadian rhythm), and it seems that early birds clocks, “maybe run a little bit less than 24 hours, and those of us that are night owls maybe have a clock, that runs a little bit more than 24 hours."
Take a look around and find out more!
The one thing that all the research is agreed upon? Exercise at any time is beneficial. But, if we are able to find a time to exercise that works for us, then that is going to impact our physical and mental health just a tad more.
Okay... your turn now !
Are you a morning lark.... or a night owl...? Do you take a mid-day meander or a tea time trot?
I have been, consistently, an early bird for exercise, but have become more relaxed, currently, about tweaking, as life and time permit. It is important to be kind to ourselves, realising, that supportive exercise is always useful, whatever the time.
Your turn to share with us now, for this last Changing Room Chat until the Spring Cleaning is done and the April showers and flowers are here with us !
Looking forward to see who pops in, to take a breather
Oldfloss x