Hello folks... and here we are, in the Yoga studio, Changing room, for the last week of MAY.
It has been a heck of a month, with a lot going on everywhere, exercise wise.., A very quiet week here, last week, I think many of us are getting away for the start if the summer breaks!
A busy week for me, but despite that, I am still keeping to my regular exercise routines, tweaking them as time and life issues seek to hamper them
Yoga time...YWA Greet comes to a conclusion this week... as we move into a new month. Wake Up Yoga today is an 11 minute one... and a great one to get into a regular routine I really enjoyed it!
With the coming of the warmer weather and with many of us heading off to seek some rest and relaxation, whether here in the UK or in much warmer climes, I am going to be closing the Changing Room for the next few months!
I am, I hope going to be able to get away a few times, but I also have a very busy time too. Those breaks are going to be very welcome!
I shall still be here, though, around with my rambling thoughts, and we will meet, as and when , sitting in the shade and hopefully, doing a spot of chilling!
So... as a result, my thoughts for this week are all to do with holidays and time out!
We do, many of us, anyway, find that an exercise routine is brilliant, and once our body gets used to that routine, we begin to enjoy ourselves But what happens to that routine when, as some of us will be lucky enough, to be heading off for a much-needed summer holiday?
Now, whilst that is a really happy prospect , we may during the weeks that we are away, be unable to keep to our chosen routines... help!
It may be possible to fit on some exercise, even if it is different from your usual exercise, but if you are not able to, what then?
Well, first off, don't fret! You are not, over a few weeks out going to be losing the fitness youβve built up. Your body wont lose it all, although some sports may require a gentle and steady build back, if you are away for longer than two or three weeks!
Just remember, even our elite athletes, take breaks... they have to... so, now you know that you can relax and rest easy... how are you going to use this lovely away from it all time ?
Well, when you are taking a quiet moment... think about maybe to re-evaluate your routines. Think how far you have come, celebrate your hard work and how awesome you are and then focus on new plans, tweaks and changes, all of which, you will take up with a recharged and rejuvenated mind and body!
Take some time to recover... are there any bits of you, that will really benefit from time out ? Giving those parts quality time out has got to be good! Your body really will thank you for it.
Top up the Vitamin D.
Being sensible of course... the sunshine, if you are somewhere warm, is going to play its part too. Loads of benefits, there, mental as well as physical.
Lose the stress, and chill.
Reduce the exercise and just let go...
Get in 40 winks and more ?
A change of scenery, maybe some walking, some sightseeing, water based fun, can mean you sleep better... and again, that will boost our recovery and re-charge time.
Reducing the likelihood of injuries from over use.
Taking a break will give every bit of you, a really good chance of repair and recovery.
There we are then... your turn now.
Do you try to make sure that you keep up some exercise when you are taking a holiday? Do you deliberately set out to have complete break...or make sure that you can keep a regular routine going.
I know I do take my running shoes with me...but, I also take my watercolour paints , my writing notebook and plenty of reading material ! If the runs don't happen, I don't beat myself up about it
I do, though start each day with my Yoga wake-up routine... it is just part of my day, before I even get out of bed.
What about you all... we would love to hear your thoughts and I am looking forward to seeing who pops in this week .
Oldfloss x