YWA FLOW Day 22 -28 : almost last week - Strength & Flex

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YWA FLOW Day 22 -28 : almost last week

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold
56 Replies

This last week was quite a busy work week for me, and I just about managed to do every workout in the last week, but only by doubling up on some days after not getting around to getting to the mat on others.

So, I’ve been thinking about what „not meeting your goals“ actually means. My goal for the past week was to get to the mat daily, and I didn’t manage that.

So my goal for this week is actually to be kinder to myself, praise the times when I achieve my goals and let it go when I don’t.

So roll on the penultimate week of YOGA FLOW!

It’s all good!

FAQ for all the January 30 day Journeys is at do.yogawithadriene.com/30-d...

The pdf & calendar is available from


And the dedicated playlist on the Yoga YouTube Channel is be available from


NOTE: save this post if you want to be notified when other yogis share their journey.

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CBDB profile image
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56 Replies
Wavy-chick28 profile image

Really enjoying this 30 days have missed some when busy but caught up doing two a day a few times, luckily all being 20 mins has been a help.

Also hubby has stayed the course too and admits to enjoying it, hoping this habit continues x

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Wavy-chick28

Yeah, my feeling is that the Jan Yoga journeys have gotten better and better over the years. And I feel her practice has become increasingly thoughtful of the diversity of bodies following the practice. Having tried other yoga channels, this one is really the one I get the most satisfaction from following a daily practice.

Wavy-chick28 profile image
Wavy-chick28 in reply to CBDB

Yes I’m a big fan of hers hoping the daily practice will continue as much as possible throughout the year 🤞🏻

LottieMW profile image

yes, I’m liking that they’re mostly around the 20 minute mark, enabling doubling up when days are missed (for whatever reason).

When this month is over, I may just practice on non running days…I found grabbing a day off here and there helped my knees. After all, we don’t advice running every day, and in fact encourage extra days off if needed!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to LottieMW

Yes, that sounds great!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

day 22: I yoga cheated again on hubby, who is picking up our son from a city trip, and I couldn’t wait until or if I would do yoga after dinner. So I added it directly after my row.

I was slipping around a bit (old, slippy mat), rearranging my space (I was doing the yoga upstairs in the guest room, besides my rower), and I was faffing with my props (pillow here, pillow there … where are my other blocks?), but besides the faffing, I did get through it reasonably well. But had to do wider stance down dogs as the mat was so slippy!

But loved the shake-your-hands-and-feet section at the end! A new one for me!

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate

I did day 21 and loved the Wiggles at the end too 😁

Gwenllian1 profile image

Just done today's, rather later in the day than usual because I had a Pilates class this morning. Loved it today. After so many days being aware that I need to be stronger for planks and downward dog it was amazing to discover that the thing I can do is balance! Who knew?

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to Gwenllian1


Gwenllian1 profile image
Gwenllian1 in reply to Wine

Never expected it!

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to Gwenllian1

Isn't it a real buzz when this kind of thing happens well done... I had to hang onto a wall... I swayed a lot

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Gwenllian1

🤣🤣🤣⚖️ Well done!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

day 22 is titled truth! Truth is … I skipped some 5 min of balancing in the middle! I was so tired and didn’t have a near shelf handy!

But liked the stretchiness of the later sections.

Gwenllian1 profile image
Gwenllian1 in reply to CBDB

Well as usual I wasn't too good at being stretchy!

cheekychipmunks profile image

I also enjoyed Truth. I couldn’t quite see what we were supposed to be doing with those hand stretches as I was using my phone, but made something up which I hope was right-ish 🙏

Loved the balancing for the most part, although my first tree was a bit suspect as my foot was slipping on my PJs! Yes, I do yoga in PJs. 😅

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to cheekychipmunks

pj yoga! Sounds great!

I liked the hand thing, which is actually the one of my post-row stretches, a stretch routine that goes through stretching legs, back and arms (and hands).

So also good for me.

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to cheekychipmunks

Yep…I do pj yoga too as it’s my end of day thing. I’ve never been able to put my foot up on the other leg anywhere! It always slips down! I keep the ball of the foot on the floor, and rest my heel against the other ankle…even then I have to use my ironing board!

Gwenllian1 profile image

Enjoyed root today. I'm still amazed at the idea of being able to squat with your heels flat on the floor. Mine are so far away that's clearly not going to happen. I see my grandchildren able to do this. I wonder what it is that has tightened up over my life that means I can't get my feet flat? Any ideas anyone?

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Gwenllian1

With me, there was a marked downturn in flexibility (and balance) in both knees and ankles due to a pregnancy. But this was due to having a pregnancy whilst being undiagnosed with a thyroid condition.

So after birth, I was walking for at least 6 months with a walking pole, as I just couldn’t get my balance or flexibility back.

Reasons for that might have been joint inflammation, lack of core strength due to a split linear alba stomach muscles, and weight gain.

Only now, with yoga, 20 years later, and taking regular thyroid meds, am I making some progress. But it’s small steps.

So I think my journey is a bit different than other yogis, but I think we all have very different issues that affect flexibility.

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to Gwenllian1

I can squat…but at the expense of my knees…

When I started nursing/midwifery, it was drummed into you to protect your back…so I ended up doing a lot of squatting, which then continued into gardening…I would squat for planting, weeding etc, instead of bending over.

This was worsened on the community…when I was forever getting in and out of my car for over 20 years…and not following the advice I would give women about protecting their pelvis 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

So yes, I can squat with my feet flat on the floor…but OMG my knees reeeally don’t like the standing upright afterwards!

Gwenllian1 profile image
Gwenllian1 in reply to LottieMW

Seems we all have our different capabilities! I'd love to be able to squat but then maybe I wouldn't be able to do something else!

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate

I did root but I can't do the frog thing I put it down to still having chunky legs and lack of confidence... Loved today.... I went to the mat and it became a glorious day

LottieMW profile image

just did Root…felt I really got the hang of engaging the legs for the beach ball stretch! Managed the chairs, loved the squats, even managed the plank!

Was happy when she said we’re doing a knee lunge….then a big fat no to lifting the back foot up on the toes I just knew I would put all my pressure on the bent front knee! 😱

So I kept my knee on the floor, but did straighten up for the next pose…and did feel my back leg was strong…and then nearly fell over when we had to bend forward with aeroplane arms 😂😬

Overall…fun! 👍🏼

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to LottieMW

i remember that bit i didnt raise the knee either

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate

I loved create day 24 loved the baby at the end and some free style marvellous...see you tomorrow

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Wine

Me too! I like happy baby!

cheekychipmunks profile image

I think I might be in the minority as everyone I know so far who’s done Create has all loved it - and I didn’t! I didn’t dislike the whole practice, but I really really don’t enjoy bridges, I never have. I liked the core work, but this won’t be one for me to bookmark I’m afraid.

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to cheekychipmunks

I feel the bridges get rid of my neck tensions, so I like them. And especially the edge bridges, which massage my glutes as well!

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to CBDB

I’d never done those before…interesting!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to LottieMW

Yeah, I thought this as well. Amazing how a little nuanced difference is really enjoyable to experience, isn’t it!

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to cheekychipmunks

I don’t like lifting my head without my hands clasped behind…I feel it strains my neck (so I’m probably doing it wrong!)

I’ve just finished…and I can feel the burn in my core already!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to LottieMW


CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Create! So proud of myself! Worked until 10pm, then a late light dinner. Hubby zonked in front of TV while I took to the mat and did day 24!

I do like these low-to-the-mat practices!

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to CBDB

Me too…just what I needed, and only one set of lunges 😅

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to LottieMW


cheekychipmunks profile image

Who’s done Action? 🥵

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to cheekychipmunks

Agreed this was the hardest sweatiest 🥵one the best bit was the end... See you tomorrow 😁

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to cheekychipmunks

Omg! I kept mostly up…did use her variation of crossing the upper leg over for the side plank…would never have balanced otherwise. A few extra child’s poses crept in…my arms couldn’t face down dogs after those press up type things…🥵

My core and arms are defo going to be feeling it tomorrow !

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to cheekychipmunks

I fear I skipped that one. I missed a handful of sessions, just as workdays were late but I caught up with the easier ones (but left the ones that looked like full of planks)

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to CBDB

Good move!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to LottieMW


Oldfloss profile image

Still here, still moving... and enjoying it! Added to the mix now, T'ai Chi... first class done.. and a lovely addition to the yoga!

Looking forward to the February one!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Oldfloss

Well done, for your Tai Chi. I bet both of you are really calm after that! Tai Chi just calms you, doesn’t it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to CBDB

It really does... I love the yoga feeling but this was something else...

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate

open a little easier until got to the rocking horse thing ,,,that never happened ...couldnt even rock...saying that i am glad i came to the mat ...it was a great start to my day

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Wine

Yeah, I managed to do rather the single sided , stretching, but non-rocking not-quite-horse.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunks in reply to Wine

I really enjoyed Open. I can grab my feet, but my rocking horse was very minimal. Such a nice practice compared to yesterday’s beast 🙏

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

did todays session in the morning (day 26), but was so so tired. So struggled through it a bit. Plank-downdog-plank transitions were not possible today (and when I used to do these, I did struggle and muddled through, planks not quite as planky ).

Boat/rocking-horse I can’t do, but kept going with her instructions to do it side after side.

But yeah, I feel I’m coming down with something. ☹️ Just very tired all day.

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to CBDB

Oh no! I hope nothing bad 💕

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to LottieMW

I feel ok again now. Maybe just my batteries all zapped out!

Bruch1 profile image

I've managed to do every session but not necessarily every day, having to double up a couple of times when we've been out for the day. I've enjoyed most of them. Action was a struggle but Open yesterday was good. I can't do side plank at all. I think my arms are getting stronger from all the plank to cobra though. I hope to keep up with some sessions at the end of the 30 days even if only on alternate days. I do a yoga class on Monday evenings and our T'ai Chi classes start again this week. All good for body and soul. Namaste 🧘

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Bruch1

Nice! Happy Tai Chi-ing!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

day 27 done. Managed to do this after I had my protein smoothie breakfast after my run this morning. I was concerned about feeling too full for yoga, but i the amount I use doesn’t fill you, so all felt good.

Various poses I had to adapt: Froggy squat is still nowhere near feasible, and the legs in the air was ok but the legs over your head …. not possible … although I do remember being able to do this when I was younger.

Nice, we’re fast approaching the end of this journey.

Next months yoga calendar has also already dropped.

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to CBDB

I remember doing legs over shoulder too when younger never attempted it this time... It was a great start to my day though... The sqaut never happened either... Looking forward to tomorrow... Hope you feel better soon

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Wine

Yes, thank you. Yesterday I felt miserable (headache, nausea, tiredness) and today I felt great, I had a good nights sleep and this can make all the difference, perhaps. Also, endorphins from my run this morning! They always help!

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to CBDB

i am so glad to hear this

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