YWA FLOW Day 15 - 21 : it’s habit forming... - Strength & Flex

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YWA FLOW Day 15 - 21 : it’s habit forming, isn’t it?

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold
41 Replies

By the third week, I often get the sense that I have formed a daily yoga habit. It feels like I could carry on forever like this. And I can already experience its tangible benefits.

Whenever I managed a brief daily practice in the past, it has enhanced my flexibility, it improved my posture, and contributed to a feeling of calm. I love the regular starts to each session, once I put the video on, and while waiting through the advert and the starting screen music, I already am in sukhasana (easy, cross legged pose) with me closing my eyes, breathing deeply and getting into the zone. And I love those few minutes, even if it only lasts a moment. And over the years I have seen yoga also making a difference to my balance, my core strength, my core flexibilit. It feels my stomach and innards are now also more flexible and have a sort of improved bendiness.

I am even so much closer to being able to squat. Not quite there yet, but I can see this on the horizon!

So let’s keep on keeping on!

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And the dedicated playlist on the Yoga YouTube Channel is be available from youtube.com/playlist?list=P...

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CBDB profile image
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41 Replies
Wavy-chick28 profile image

I am a great fan of Adrienne and the 30 days yoga it always gets me back on track and have managed whole years of yoga just got a bit out of sorts last year.

I wonder if she will come back to the UK I was lucky enough to do a class at Alexandra Palace when she came last time it was if she knew me amongst the 2000 attending 😂

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Wavy-chick28

Oh wow! 2000! That’s a lot of mats!

Wavy-chick28 profile image
Wavy-chick28 in reply to CBDB

It was awesome!! She was quite tiny 😂

Gwenllian1 profile image

Well I love day 15! Loved the slow start and to my surprise I found for the first time that I could go from plank to lying on my front for cobra without collapsing. As ever some of the transitions are too fast for me but since I've decided to go with the flow I'm more philosophical about doing my version. I think my absolute favourite pose is peaceful warrior so lovely to have this in today's practice. Now I'm off for run 2 in the nrc 10k plan, another very short one!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Gwenllian1

Yeah, I would note that progress down somewhere. It’s so easy to forget the fitness journey we’ve been on. Things I can do now we’re not possible when I started, but only my diary entry or my post on here reminds me of that.

Gwenllian1 profile image
Gwenllian1 in reply to CBDB

That's a really good idea. I do keep a running diary so it would be easy enough to expand to include the yoga. I find it very useful to look back as far as running goes and be reminded of how far I've come so I'm sure pinning down those small improvements would help me to appreciate that I'm getting somewhere with the yoga, however slowly!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Day 14 was a reasonable gentle one, although it had time in the knees, in planks and low lunges.

I started to slip on my mat with my bare feet today, and putting on socks made me slip as well!

Does anyone have any great tips to make your mat sticky?

dijep profile image
dijep30D Graduate in reply to CBDB

I've found that my mat seems to be less slippery after I've cleaned it. It's a bit of a pain to do because of the textured surface. I've loved today's class , a good mix of relaxation and work 👍

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to dijep

I’ll try thoroughly cleaning my mat again and see how it goes. Thank you. Yeah, I liked today’s yoga as well. 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to CBDB

I have yoga socks...

Bluebirdrunner profile image

I enjoyed Day 15 Balance which I did today. The toe stand technique was a good one and I found it better than usual by leading from the core rather than pushing off from the toes. The half moons were quite a challenge, definitely needed a block, and I had to stop the video to get it right as it confused me which hand should help with the balance. It was quite a busy practice once we got going, and I can feel my core has worked. Day 16 is supposed to be a nice one, but watch out for the forearm plank I'm told....🙏

Namaste xxx

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Day 17 mmmmmhhhhhhhhhhh…. I really liked the slow twisty start sitting on the mat, and the star toe touches. And finishing on the mat again!

My squats are improving but it still a kind of: “explore what you can do”. But it really feels I might be able to get back to my pre-pregnancy, squattingable self at some point!

Fiadh79 profile image
Fiadh79 in reply to CBDB

I sort of feel like I'm never going to be able to squat right down. I am quite comfortable in the froggy position we've done a lot of these few but I'm not sure that doing that is anywhere near enough to get me into a proper squat. Saying that my toddler always wants me to squat down then she runs towards me and I throw her in the air - maybe after a few more months of that!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunks in reply to Fiadh79

I can’t get my heels down in froggie squat, but I have no problem doing so with Adriene’s yogic squat (which she also did today), where we can widen our stance and point our feet towards the edge of the mat. It’s a lovely release Fiadh79 , and you might find that easier if you haven’t tried already. 😀

Fiadh79 profile image
Fiadh79 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Yeah - I've tried it like that many times. No luck yet! I guess it will happen or it won't. I know there are things I can work on to improve it, it's just the doing it that's the problem!

Fiadh79 profile image

I haven't posted a lot but have kept up with doing this every day. I absolutely loved Balance, the other day. I was quite pleased that half moon on one side went quite well. But then was very wobbly on the other side! I loved the standing twists today.

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Fiadh79

Yeah, me too!

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate

I have kept up as well with adjustments... Really love it... Can't wait til tomorrow

cheekychipmunks profile image

Anyone enjoy Day 18? I’m afraid meditation isn’t for me, and it was basically a fidget-fest. The bonus was that it was a very short practice today. 🙏

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to cheekychipmunks

I really enjoyed it and it went very fast for me.... I did a body scan mediation yesterday as well... I am looking forward to tomorrow

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to cheekychipmunks

Yeah, we were welcoming it, as we only managed to get to the mat just before heading to bed. So not having a longer and intensive session, that was a good thing for me.

So thumbs up for me.

Hubby always grumbles if he has to sit cross legged for longer periods, as easy pose is not easy for him. Even a blanket does not help him. It might be to do with his long back.

Gwenllian1 profile image
Gwenllian1 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Fidget fest here too. I just couldn't settle, either physically or mentally. I have enjoyed meditation in the past but it wasn't my day!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

oops forgot to post, and I did do day 18, last thing before going to bed. Almost didn’t and hubby and I were already tired, so just taking time of 9 minutes for deep breathing and already starting to wind down, was a welcome session.

Gwenllian1 profile image

Today's session was better although she is always a bit fast for me. It's a little easier as the poses get more familiar but I still have to miss things out in order to keep up but there are the tiny improvements too. Grandchildren agreed 8 and 6 were showing me how to step from downward dog to a lunge the other day. Yeah right... Still it looks great when they do it and my failure is fine source of amusement!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunks in reply to Gwenllian1

Much more fun today wasn’t it Gwenllian1 ? 🙏

Oh, you will be able to step forward to lunge one day. I used to be miles off when I first started yoga, but by degrees I got closer, and now it’s pretty easy. Keep striving! 💪😀

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

day 19, yes also for me at times a wee bit too fast her transitions but I elegantly muddled through! 🤣

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to CBDB

i muddled through too the lunge thing still defeats me i think its because i have short arms...

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Wine

Yes, I think I only seldomly hear in yoga sessions how important correct alignment is over “perfect posture” and props like blocks or blankets really help to adjust to different upper body lengths or arm length or different ankle flexibilities. I think Pilates instructors are in general more aware of that, but once I realised this, I didn’t feel as bad when using props.

So props like blocks, are not there for adjusting to beginner yogis (entirely), but should be thought of ensuring one’s body aligns properly as meant by certain poses.

So i adjust as i need to according to my physique. I have to really come to live my blocks because of this.

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate in reply to CBDB

thank you for this

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to CBDB

…and also during the session, how Adriene encouraged you to use help to balance…and did the first part with the wall for support…

…and I was looking at her when she went all wobbly and nearly lost her balance!

…and yes…I did “dancer” using my trusty ironing board for support! 😂

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to LottieMW

Me too! 😃

Fiadh79 profile image

Day 19 was amazing! A lovely flow. And the balancing postures at the end were good. I was able to focus on really engaging my glutes and kicking out my foot for the first time ever, I think. I did lose my balance at times as well. Also weirdly after that when standing in mountain and going to a forward fold I was very wobbly!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Fiadh79

Yeah, balancing, I feel I need to be near a shelf and just for moments here and there to make use of it.

LottieMW profile image

So Day 19…my knees are giving me jip, so I really dialled it back.

I’ve given up doing the arm extensions on all fours, but managing the leg work…

…really, really can’t get down to do cobra, so go to all fours then a variation on child’s pose.

I keep the back knee on the mat (on a pillow) for lunges, I find it eases the pressure on the bent front knee.

…and I always forget to breathe when she speeds up…I mean, obviously, I’m breathing…but that measured breath used to help with the movements 😬

However, really got a grip on Mountain Pose, I find it more relaxing than worrying about if I’m slouching too much in the so called ‘easy’ pose…I’m with Mr CBDB on that! 😂

…but I did add on the meditation session, having skipped it the night before. It helped to slow everything down and chill out after the active session!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to LottieMW

🤣🤣 Mr CBDB is glad he’s not alone in the not so easy easy pose!

LottieMW profile image
LottieMW in reply to CBDB


CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Day 20 was lovely as well, mainly low down on the ground! I do love doing cat cow stretches in easy pose!

Wine profile image
Wine30D Graduate

i liked today day 20 but did do adjustments...the knee thing i got into position but couldnt go down on elbows so went down as far as i could which wasnt very far...enjoyed what i could do ...i moved i felt good

Fiadh79 profile image
Fiadh79 in reply to Wine

I think it's pretty normal not to be able to get down to your elbows for that. The most important thing is keeping your hips down and keeping breathing. You did it exactly right!

Oldfloss profile image

Thanks for this...

After so many of the challenges, I am just loving the feeling of, 'getting it'. Really feeling the sensations and the depth of the sessions.

For me, the breathing too.. so relaxing

I was never a massive yoga fan, but that changed I think after the first challenge YWA you put on here? I have to say. after Mr OF's heart attack.. it was probably the yoga which kept me afloat:) Yoga starts my day... even before I am out of bed:) Thank youx

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Oldfloss

Focussing on Breathing, it’s so simple but so effective to calm everything down. Isn’t it.


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