YWA MOVE Day 13 - 18: following in all of ... - Strength & Flex

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YWA MOVE Day 13 - 18: following in all of your footsteps!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold
53 Replies

Just popping this here a day early, as I can expect a busy day again. And lest I forget, better now than never! Of course that should have been my motto on the mat as well!

Ok, so this was my view from the yoga mat: over the first week and into last week of YWA, Adriene seemed to be getting faster and faster, and then I headed back to work after a kind of relaxing but still project-related work-y Christmas break, but once back ‘in the office’ the usual hectic workday and deadlines and multitude of meetings took over my life to such an extent that in the evenings around my Yoga time I fell asleep on the couch several days on a row, only waking up to slouch exhausted to bed!

(I said all this in one breath, didn’t I?)

What’s happening! Even my rowing suffered!

But, we all have these days. And I keep telling myself, Adriene’s videos are not going to disappear.

So my advice to myself is to take the sleep and rest when the body needs it and take the next opportunity for a refreshing Yoga session, whenever it may come. Same advice to anyone who by now is lagging behind a day or two. It’s not a big deal and we’ll done for coming to the mat!!

So in the end I missed 3 days of Yoga, managing to get back into my daily rhythm after a 3-day lapse. I actually blame an intensive rowing session, which I noticed really took it out of me!

But I waffle.

So, on this the next row of Yoga sessions, I am a little behind but following all of your collective footsteps!

As usual:

Onwards and upwards with YWA’s MOVE and feel free to share your joys and struggles by reply!

Free signup (to get daily emails) and introductory video is still available at do.yogawithadriene.com/move

The calendar is available at s3.amazonaws.com/kajabi-sto...

And the Yoga YouTube Channel Playlist filling up with the daily sessions is at:


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CBDB profile image
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53 Replies
dijep profile image
dijep30D Graduate

I don't think it matters if you get behind or even miss the odd session . I know if I was trying to fit Move around work I'd be a week behind or probably have given up by now. So I give all you working"Movers" three cheers where ever you've got to 👏👏😊

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to dijep

🥰 Awwhh 😊 . Just did day 9 (ha ha yeah definitely falling behind) but as you say, it really doesn’t matter. I think also rowing takes it s bit out of me.

dijep profile image
dijep30D Graduate

Anyway day 13.I'm still struggling with slight neck discomfort which is playing havoc with getting a decent night's sleep and today I'm feeling particularly lethargic.

So I did a 20 minute relax and release Pilates session before attempting day 13 especially as it's title of Flight sounded a bit intense. But it was actually fine, I really enjoyed the standing one legged balances but as for Crow ..... no chance 😂🤣

roseabi profile image

Day 13 - nice and short and didn't bother my Achilles apart from a little bit in the Warriors with left foot forward. Managed to fly like a crow, not mega keen on standing splits but made them work reasonably well. Quite the workout! Wonder what's next...?

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi

Crow!!! Awesome!! Well done. Got tell hubby this is coming up, he is getting good at a ‘straining’ crow. 😂

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to CBDB

Well, I did Day13 yesterday evening, but sadly without hubby, who had a tennis match. So as I don’t yet fly, we didn’t have any crows in our living room. But it was a great session, with some really new moves for me, and one that I used as a warmup for my rowing afterwards. That worked really well!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5 in reply to roseabi

Wow done on you crow achievement roseabi - no way Jose in my case!

Blackberrypie profile image

I managed two seconds of, well, I think it probably looked more like a mushroom than a crow, but definitely making slow progress towards taking flight.

Really enjoying the series so far, think I might give it another try in February. Knowing all the practices are 30 mins or less makes it much easier to fit in rather than never knowing if there's going to be a 40 minutes I need to find some evenings.

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Blackberrypie

Yeah. That’s actually a great idea. Might copy that.

dijep profile image
dijep30D Graduate

Day 14 and making adjustments. I've become aware of a very slight twinge in my right knee in the same place as last year patella tendinopathy. I'm pretty sure it's not connected to running as I haven't increased distance or run frequency so I'm sorry YWA but you're getting the blame 🤣I think it's all the transitions from down dog to lunge so I'm making adjustments from today and I'll see how it goes 🤞

Oh and I actually made it to the "live" session today 😊

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to dijep

Definitely adjust! Hope it helps!

Cowladyrunning profile image

My random 2 YWA a month must be the worst? I would love to do it daily.... but I want to run too and then work gets in way too..... ah well random is better than nothing isn't it?

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Cowladyrunning

It definitely is! 👏💪

roseabi profile image

Day 14 - didn't excite me much, but I'm tired and I think my head's just elsewhere at the moment! I did like the wiggling bum in cow pose, I find it nice for my low back 😊😊😊

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi


CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to CBDB

Oh I liked this Day 14. I repeated a sort of bum-in-cow pose when she was doing down-dog kind of things, and that became my new snake-cobra-lying-tree-Pose-cat-and-bum-wiggling-in-cow-twist kind of thing! I created a new pose!!!! 😄😄😄😄 (must sketch ✍🏽 it sometime)

roseabi profile image

Day 15 - enjoyable! Lots of movement 😊😊😊

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi

💨 🚀🦸‍♀️😀

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to CBDB

Knocking on heavens door! I like it!

dijep profile image
dijep30D Graduate

I'm still up to date 🙂 despite feeling a bit fed up about knee twinges🤣 I loved Sundays practice "Reset" I was feeling very unmotivated to go for a run but YWA seemed to flip a switch and off I went 👍

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to dijep

Nice! Flipping the switch via YWA! 💪👏💪👏👏👏

roseabi profile image

Forgot to post yesterday, but I'm still keeping up with the yoga!

Day 16 - nice and active!

Day 17 - I wasn't fully with this one (busy day!), but basically if there's pigeon involved I like it!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi

… and “Snuggle” sounds cozy. I like pigeon, so looking forward to that.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to CBDB

My phone lost the wifi in the middle of pigeon, so I ended up getting some extra pigeon! 🐧😃

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi


CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi

Having done day 16 just now, belatedly I’ll say, prolonged pigeon is never a bad thing.

(Did she actually forgot a quad stretch on one side? I sneaked it back in! 😁💪👍🏽)

linda9389 profile image

OK. Snuggle may officially be my favourite ywa session! Or maybe it was just perfect for that moment in time. A few pilates like moves, some delicious stretches (esp. having not stretched after my run this morning) and then some really cozy, snuggly, slow, calm 'me time'; all fitted into just over 20 minutes so I didn't have a chance to get twitchy. It was just perfect. My head told me so. And my body told me so.I'm really enjoying this Jan calendar!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to linda9389

I’m so looking forward to doing a/this workout called Snuggle! ☺️😍😊

roseabi profile image

Day 18 - linda9389 won't like the title of this one 😂 but it's very pleasant all the same!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389 in reply to roseabi

Good spot!!!!! Grrrr ...

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to linda9389

I always think of you when I see American spellings 😊😊😊

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to linda9389


roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to CBDB

And there's more penguin, er pigeon 😊😊😊

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi

Is there a penguin in yoga? No? There should be!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to CBDB


roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to roseabi

Reminds me of Joe Wicks 😊😊😊

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi

Of course there is! 🤣🤣🤣👏

(I love her leggings)

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to linda9389

🤣🤣 yes, I did wonder about u 🤣🤣 shame about the missing u but lovely twists though! 🤣🤣 (I myself am spellingly challenged having spent 5 years as a teenager in the US, and now in the UK)

Blackberrypie profile image
Blackberrypie in reply to roseabi

Made me think of this...

Brian Bilston poem about Wordle.
CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Blackberrypie


Blackberrypie profile image

I really enjoyed day 18, lots of nice poses and the time seemed to fly by.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Blackberrypie

I just remembered Adriene speculating about whether she was real or AI 😂

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi

🤣🤣 I now get this joke! 🤣🤣👏 but loved this one as well, although I think it should have been called “variations on the twist”. 👍🏽💪🧘🏼‍♂️

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to CBDB

I now realised that this means I am exactly 6 days behind as your HU posts says it’s 6 days old! 🤔 still hanging in there and following your footsteps! 👏👍🏽👏

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to CBDB

It just goes to show that the yoga is there for us as much as we are there for the yoga! 😍

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to CBDB

Twister 😂

Twister game
CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to roseabi

Oh how I hated that game! 🤣🤣😣😵‍💫

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to CBDB

Terrible isn't it!? 😂😂😂

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Day 14: in my adaptions it was an easy session, and as I’m still going easy on my metatarsals (but I can feel them getting stronger) in my adaptions I found a new yoga move! I must try to sketch it! A kind of a snake-cobra-lying-tree-cat-cow-Pose-twisty kind of thing, but I could feel my butt and ITB muscles being gently stretched, which not many positions do!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Day 15 for me. HALWAY POINT!!!

Ok, at least for me. Others are already into the final stretch of YWA MOVE!

liked this one. I always liked knocking on heavens door, hubby didn’t. He wasn’t on the mat with me anyway, but was in the sane room and we found a great solution for us both sharing this space while he works at his desk right to the side of our workout corner.

I gave him my headset, and we put up a two panel, lightweight room divider that we inherited from the previous owner. It’s ugly, but I might repaint it in the summer with some workout motives.

But it means he can still talk and listen on Zoom, whilst I can workout and have the sound on quietly running the YouTube videos. And the screen ensures that Zoom colleagues of hubby can’t see my twists, and I also get a sense of privacy. Perfect! Solved.

So gone are the few times where I couldn’t do yoga to save my body, whilst hubby ‘saves the world’ on zoom. (Campaigning for better renewable energy policies)

So Yey! Upwards and onwards. I’ll jump over to the future just now to see where people are in the present yoga workouts! 🤣⏳💪👍🏽

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Day 16 I’m not that good in balancing on one leg, so some of these positions looked quite a bit different when I did them 😁 but gave it a good go. I see tomorrow is SNUGGLE for me, and can’t wait! 🥰

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Day 17! SNUGGLE!!! 🥰 yeah, loved that one. As there were no down dogs, I could do 100% without any amendments!

Love doing pigeon, which feels great although I still need to take care of knee bends. But pigeon is also the pose where I can visibly see how far my knees have come and healed, from not being to do them at all to now doing a nice pigeon whilst admittedly still taking weight on my hands. But I can also lean forward. Nice!

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold

Day 18: Savor (am I missing a letter there?) is great! Loved the variations of twists. Long pigeon is also coming along fine and I can now lean my forearms onto two blocks leaning forward. (Even that was impossible before)

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