Happy easter everyone. Sorta strange this year. I was out delevering yesterday and the roads are so quiet. My run is up around the seafront between Newcastle and kilkeel, which would be bouncing at this time. Keep safe everyone
I finally got my squat issue sorted. Tesco crates and a few metal stanchions. π Not perfect but it worked.
Barbell flat chest press 2x8 (45 50) 2x5(65 65) ss
Db incline press 4x8 (12 17 17 17) ss
Db flat chest press 4x8 (27 27 27 27)
Diamond press 3x10 (20 20 20) (ssss)
Tricep extension 3x10 (20 20 20) (ssss)
Tricep dip 3x10 (bars body weight) (ssss)
Push up 3x10body weight (ssss)
Run 7k 38mins
Run 4k 20min 53sec
Squats 4x8reps (60 75 85 85)
DB Lunges 4x20(10each leg) (12kg)
G squat 4x15 (16kg)
Calf raises on weights 4x20(30 60 60 70)
Overhead press 4x8 (35 35 35 35 )
Db shoulder press 2x8 (17 17 17 17)
Side delt raise single arm 4x10 (12 12 12 12)
Single arm kb shoulder press 4x10 (12 12 12 12)
Farmer walk 4x100m (20kg ech arm)
Box jumps 4x10 (7 tesco creates)
Run 4x100m
Standing Tricep db kick back 4x10 (10 10 10 10)
Tricep dip 4x10body weight ss
Db Single arm row 4x8(42 42 42 42)
Laying rear delts fly 3x12 (17 17 17 17) ss
Laying db row 3x12 (27 27 27 27) ss
Shoulder shrugs 4x10 (27 27 27 27)
Biceip curl 3x10 (17 17 17)
Bicep hammer curl 3x10 5each arm (17 17 17)
Easter Sunday run 8.2k 47mins 19 secs