Hey all sorry didn't post yesterday, I was so busy with work and few other things.
Here's todays and before anyone thinks, no its not april fools ππ
The last one only do once at the very end. Its just a one off to try and really make muscles work.
30 sec jog on spot
10 squats (touch floor with hands)
10 star jumps
10 push up
10 sit ups
10 forward Lunges (10 each leg) (both arms straight up in air)
10 reverse Lunges (10 each leg) (both arms straight up in air)
10 holding squat (squat and hold for 3 secs)
20 sec jog on spot
10 sec fast jog on spot 10 sec slow (repeat 5 times)
Repeat all 3 times
Wall sit (for as long s you can hold it)
(at end of the 3 sets)