A couple of weeks ago the warmup for one of my routines was a wall sit... this was not fun... then it decided to hit me with some bastardos (burpees with a press-ups added) and now I’m here after running the benchmark (ouch) looking at tomorrow’s workout... quick bottom toner. At first glance it looks nice... then I see the evil element... squat hold, 30 seconds... and I get to do it twice! After the first one it’s lie down and some nice leg work... after the second it’s into speed squats and squats with front kicks... I’m not looking forward to this one... but then that’s not totally true, I’m sat here looking at it... with no clue if I can do the squat hold... if I can I’ll be ecstatic... if not I think I’ll be in hysterics on the floor!
This week’s torture courtesy of my running... - Strength & Flex
This week’s torture courtesy of my running plan

You can do it, of course you will 👍😉
It’ll either be a victory or a future victory... unlike the sit-ups I do see them as something that I can develop to do one day.
I took your advice, today I have done press ups, no sit ups, a few kettlebell swings, to cap all that, 1 hour after a light lunch I reran, run 1 of week 5.
I should get a couple of kettlebells... that should have the wife diving for cover and worrying about the TV screen 😂
Good workout... and well done running too. I’m gonna have to grab the dumbbells, I’ve not done anything formal since my run and now I’m inspired.
I don't have dumbells, I bought a pair of 5 Kilogram kettle bells at Tesco on sudden impulse on the same day as my weekly shopping, you can image the deadweight my shopping bag was that day with those kettlebells and the normal shopping, I thought that the bag was going to burst.
The excersises I do with them are curls, the Russian swing, again I have been following YouTube videos on how to use them properly, I have a large hall in the house so if I did drop them they would only land on the floor away from any window. 😊
Sounds good... I’m going to add a bit of kit a month to my home... until I get down to things like skipping ropes, pull up bars and barbells, they can stay in the store.
Your house is going to look like a gym, not too sure what your wife or junior Miss UNM will make of that, I don't think that every time they enter the house they see weights, dumbbells, kettlebells, skipping ropes, barbells and a pull-up bar attached to the door that they will be happy. . Nevertheless you can remind them that your challenge is to run a marathon in a few years time, I think you told us that would be either 2020 or 2021.
I’m hoping for September 2020... my running plan goes through to late August. Then I’m going to do another short plan to get me past the registration stage and if I’m in for next year I can start planning a HM to run for the spring.
That is a excellent plan, I just remembered that this Sunday is the London Marathon, I just wonder how many runners in it started with C25K
Sometimes during breaks from the running they come up with "do you want to start running" it was during one of those TV marathons or half marathons that they showed a short video of Laura telling all the viewers about C25K.
Yeah... Nike announced a new fastest ever shoe this morning and I could book to go see them in London and have a chance to buy them... for £250! Kipchoge will be in them this weekend no doubt!
On Tuesday I bought a running belt, If I want to buy a decent pair of running shoes I know where to go to buy them, at least a £100 after a gait analysis, I will think about that in the future, £250, that's cool. 😊 🏃
Let us know which running plan this is. I’ll be sure never to do it! 🤪
Nike 5k race plan... it adapts... it was teasing me with a lovely 7 minutes of flex work for this week when I looked after parkrun... then on Sunday it adapted to my running and obviously decided I needed my ass kicking instead 😂
😂 That sort of adaptation could be a bit worrying! Let us know how you get on.... Glad I am not yet experienced enough to be tempted by racing! 🐢💨
You can do it!
I have no clue how you do a squat with a front kick, I think I’d be on the floor.
I am sure you can do it UNM. I’ve just started a Nike plan too. I was missing the structure of a plan so have started the Get More Fit one. My benchmark is tomorrow 😳. I am enjoying it so far - just done the Floor to Core workout. Shame they didn’t benchmark my short hamstrings and non existent abs before they decided this is a beginner workout! Good news is my press up challenge is going ok and I can now do 10 knee press ups when I couldn’t do one on 1st April.
Cool... benchmarking properly is surprisingly hard to do, took me a few goes. The first couple of times I encountered it I didn’t give it too much so that I could ease into the plan before the pushing started... but I did set it to 26 weeks! First time I pushed hard on the benchmark it was 2 minutes before I could jog the cooldown, today I walked a few steps.
Nike certainly have a strange definition of beginner... I started the running app and the get started plan last June... 10 minute run, nope, can’t do that... benchmark, nope, 10 minute run, still no, 20 minute run... off to parkrun to get some advice! That’s how I found C25K... and they have the same going on with the Training Club... 45 minutes of anything isn’t a beginners one!
Great progress on the press-ups, that’s big achievement in 3 weeks... keep going buddy.
My top tip on the running plan... you know your paces, so some recovery runs you can go guided of the right length and then assign that run to the plan one when it’s done.
That is a good tip. I’ll be interested to see what paces it sets me after my benchmark. My main problem is one that I think must be common for new runners - I’ve only really got one pace. My 5k pace and 10k pace are virtually the same and my all out sprint isn’t that much quicker. I think I’m built for distance not speed!
You’ll be fine. The benchmark is a factor on the adaptation, but not everything... if you have a run on Sunday it depends when you do it as it will offer adaptation at about 9am... don’t read too far forwards, it always seems to change the next week! Paces I’ve found are conservative, it doesn’t push you hard early on. Don’t over worry the paces yet, they’re targets and if you can’t reach them the next adaptation will take that into account.
Hi UNM. I did my benchmark run last week and then a 7k recovery run yesterday as recommended. However the app hasn’t offered me an adaptation. And it still seems to think it’s yesterday - there’s no option to update this weeks schedule yet. Have I done something wrong or missed something?
Force close the app and it’ll fix. Adaptation should have been yesterday if you’ve been on the plan for over a week.
Thanks. It’s on the right day now and it’s let me ‘edit schedule’. No offer of an adaptation though (last week was week 2). Not to worry. There is another benchmark in week 4 so hopefully it will adapt then. I will be sure to properly close the app between uses now.
MrRfc had to do these while building up leg muscles that had atrophied. I used to have to throw a ball at him while he squatted with his back flat against the wall and caught the ball, We used to take turns, it was hell 😀. Good luck, they are soooooooo good for your legs.
I managed the wall sit one... but tomorrow’s has no wall... body weight squat... arms out front, body forward a bit to balance, go down and stay there for 30 seconds. Anyone throwing a ball at me is gonna get it 😂. Good to know these tortures are good for the legs though!!