Just wondering with raynouds syndrome we know cold weather makes our hands ect numb and painfull but in this recent heatwave hands and feet got a bit numb as well not as bad as cold but did not go away in hot weather weird??
Hot weather raynouds syndrome??? - Scleroderma & Ray...
Hot weather raynouds syndrome???
Hi. Raynaud's attacks can also be triggered by stress, as well as some medications, so maybe that is what has affected you? Or if you are a smoker, it may be that. I found that when I was a smoker (I stopped a number of years ago), my Raynaud's was a lot worse. It didn't matter if it was warm or cold.. this is because of the constricting effect of nicotine on the blood vessels. Good luck.
Stress can be a trigger for numb/ cold raynauds symptoms. In terms of temperature, it is not specifically cold that causes it, it is change in temperature. So on a hot summer day, if you go into a colder room/ fridge/ run cold water this will trigger the numb side of raynauds. Also, If too hot (or having gone into the sunshine from a colder place), my fingers get very swollen like they could burst, red and sore.