Just wondering with raynouds syndrome we know cold weather makes our hands ect numb and painfull but in this recent heatwave hands and feet got a bit numb as well not as bad as cold but did not go away in hot weather weird??
Hot weather raynouds syndrome??? - Scleroderma & Ray...
Hot weather raynouds syndrome???

Mine didn't go away either, and is worse now the heatwave has gone....
Hello Marcuspaul, I was diagnosed 6yrs ago, amazingly, my granddaughter was the person who highlighted my blue/purple hands in August!!! So in answer to your question, yes cold weather is really bad for raynauds, but warm weather is no sure way of not experiencing the symptoms.
I thought it was just temperature extremes
Yes: my raynauds is bad 24/7 all year round, as is the simultaneous erythromelalgia i have alongside my RP. And the 24/7 numbness is my hands & feet feels even worse during extremes of both hotter & colder weather
Eg: in hotter weather when the severity of my daily erythromelalgia cycle intensity is even worse, i still have to wear bed socks & leg warmers due to raynauds freezing. On the other hand, in colder weather when my raynauds intensity is even worse, i still have to use every trick in my magic box to make the daily cycle of erythromelalgia burning as bearable as i can
But, saying that, my rheumatology lupus clinic chief has had me on losartan 2ml/20mg nightly for the simultaneous RP&EM...i’ve been taking this in liquid form for several months now, and this treatment does seem to be slightly “evening out” the intensity of my RP&EM freezing&burning symptomatology (but the peripheral numbness is constant)
🍀🍀🍀🍀 Coco
PS i hyperreact to nifedipine, so we avoid illoprost & are trying losartan. I understand systemic sclerosis-related raynauds patients tend to respond pos to losartan, but i get the impression my 2ml/20mg nightly dose is a very low one...and even on this low losartan dose i’m feeling a degree of relief.
Hot weather? Still cold! Not as bad, but bedsocks are year round for me. One of the problems in hot weather, I find, is that you tend to only be able to get very cold drinks when out. I feel an eedjit wearing gloves if only cold bottled water is available, but so it goes.
When the extra high temps drop to normal Brit summer, it seems to make the Raynaud's as bad as winter.
I can't take nifedipine, but rheumy is referring me to a colleague with a special interest in Raynaud's.
Hi, yes this recent hot weather my raynauds,
is worse than its been for years don't no why unless its because the temperature been so extreme this year but I also suffer with erythromelalgia.