Had abdominal fluid drained today and a recent CT scan showed some nodes. If they find cancer cells, will this still be considered OC or now lung cancer?
When cancer spreads to new areas, how... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
When cancer spreads to new areas, how do they categorize and fight it?

I've had mets to the liver and the doctors categorize it as ovarian cancer in the liver. The treatment is for ovarian cancer.
I've had several ground glass nodules in my lungs, but luckily my body took care of the "invader" and calcified the nodules. I hope this happens to you.
Best wishes.
Thanks for your response. Gives me hope!
Nancy, I too have a spot in my liver that is close to an artery. It goes back and forth from shrinking to growing. Also still known as ovarian cancer. Best of luck to all of you. Keep the faith.
Hello Caroline,
Mine has grown a little (two tumous and a few spots) but there has been no new growths which is good. It's clear cell cancer and the oncologist believes the carbo/gem I was on for second line slowed down the aggressive growth.
In two weeks I'll go on Caelyx while the doctors look for a suitable trial.
Are you on chemo, Caroline?
So, again I reiterate to ecappiello that there's always hope.
Nancy, I've been on a lot of different chemos since being diagnosed in 2013. I am on a maintence drug called Zejula right now. Within the month I will have a catscan to see if all is good. Mine is high grade serous carsonoma ovarian stage 3c. So far I feel fine.
Good morning!
I pray you are feeling better.
I was also started on Zejula And had a terrible time with side effects. They reduced the dose to two then one pill each night. Finally, after a serious infection, I was taken off them.
I’m wondering how many you take and if they are working as a maintenance drug.
Thank you.
Hi Sandy, I am taking 300mg before bedtime.So far no side effects.Started on May 2nd, go to doc on Wed and see how bloodwork is. Sorry to hear it did not work for you. This is a maintenance drug for me. I am hoping it works for a long time,but I know how some of these drugs stop working,then usually back on chemo. I've been doing this for 5 years now,it's a way of life I accept.
Blessings to you,
I sinceryhope it works for you. Did you have the combination Carboplaten/Doxil, which is what I’m on now. Last year it was taxol/gemcitibine which worked for only about 5 months
I never had Doxil,started on taxol/carboplatin, cisplatin/gemzar,gemzar alone,abraxane/avastin,avastin as maintenance, last treatment was carboplatin/gemzar.
Now Zejula. Seems to be never ending but there's hope. May I ask how long you have had cancer?
I had Carboplaten/Taxol in 2009 and cancer came back in 2017. I went to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville and was put on Taxol/Gemzar for 18 treatments. Then I was put on Zejula, but had terrible side effects with thateven after reducing the doses from 3 to 1 capsule, resulting in some ER visits. After stopping everything I had 5 good months then, Terrible....CA125 went up to nearly 1200 in April. They started me on Carboplaten/Doxil every 3 weeks and I feel awful most of the time. Had my 3rd treatment yesterday, so I expect the effects to start again sometime tomorrow. I have swelling in my left ankle, nausea, extremely weak as all blood levels drop. I think The Doxil is the cause.
I hope you have better results but I will mention that my CA 125 has been dropping by approximately 300 points each time so it’s worth all the distress, God willing. I have faith that keeps me going.
I will keep you in my prayers.....blessings, Sandy
How is the carbo/Doxil working for you? I have been through 2 rounds. My side effects are blurry vision and increased neuropathy. We iced my hands and feet on the last round and plan to do it again next week. My CA125 dropped 220 points after the first round. I have blood work scheduled again early next week.
My first chemo was taxol/carbo/avastin. I then did a round of Rubraca but had side effects.
I had my 3rd treatment yesterday so by tomorrow, I expect the side effects again. I get terrible feelings of nausea, swollen ankle, feel awful, weak, very low blood levels......however, my CA 125 has dropped from 1200 to 300 so it’s working. I hope I can continue as the cumulative effects are frightening. This is my second recurrence after 6 years of normal scans. Seems when it comes back, it comes with a fury. Scary for all of us, but with faith in God we will get through these awful times. You will be in my prayers and please let me know how you are doing. Seems we are in the same boat....