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Concerned about Ovarian Cancer

Fluffypinkalien profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone! I am a 30 year old who was diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago and have been on birth control ever since. About 5 weeks ago, I started to urinate very frequently - it didn’t hurt to urinate, but it hurt when my bladder got full and I just had to empty it. I contacted my dr and was given a 3 day course of antibiotics- this really helped the issue. I subsequently had my period and after this, one day I thought “oh my peeing issue is totally gone”. Next day and I’m thinking about how I always need to urinate and waking up at night at the same time to go to the bathroom. I convinced myself it was psychological and tried to keep busy to stop myself focusing on it as the more I thought about how often I went to the toilet, the more I needed to go. Now I have been having mild gas/heartburn, some breast tenderness, still needing to urinate in the middle of the night and lower abdominal/back pain and bloating. I’m finding it hard to distinguish if I am bloated or if I’ve put weight on from lockdown. I also can’t tell if the pains are related to my PCOS, as I’ve had some breakthrough bleeding. Initially I was concerned about pregnancy but my period was normal and I’ve done 3 tests and they were all negative. Should I be concerned that this is ovarian cancer? The belly bloat has me looking like I am about 4 months pregnant and I feel very self conscious about it. Please help!

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Fluffypinkalien profile image
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9 Replies
Heidels profile image

no sense worrying about it now. Wait until you know for sure.It isnt easy when you first find out but as the weeks turn into months, you gradually start feeling better about things . I just had a scan done to see how things are with me, its been 3 months since last scan. Last scan showed 2 TINY "spots" , one on urinary bladder and one on sigmoid colon but doc said they are too small to worry about at this time and I was put on Zejula to keep those " spots" at bay. Just hope Zejula is working for me. Good luck to you , hope things turn out well for you !

Mumsie13 profile image

Hi. You do seem rather young for OC but it isn't unheard of. Of course worrying doesn't help either. Your symptoms do seem rather suspicious and for your own peace of mind you should ask for an investigation. Ask for a ca125 test to look for cancer markers and, initially, an ultra sound scan. You may need to be your own advocate if you seriously think OC may be an issue but it sounds like you are not going to get any peace of mind until you get some answers. Hope it turns out not to be OC and, if there is an issue, that it is something easily treatable. Let us know how you get on. 🤗 Jackie

Marigold-Jane profile image


I’m in the UK. I sincerely hope that it’s not OC, but the two tests you need are the CA125 blood test and a CT scan. Despite my having been to see a gynaecologist twice, with similar symptoms to yours, these tests were not done until my daughter who is a GP insisted! She had suspected OC all along, but had been falsely reassured, as I was, by the gynaecologist.

I also had continual post-menopausal bleeding for over 4 months but I’m not sure if this was connected. These tests showed that I had a mass (16 x12 x10 cm. ) on my right ovary which turned out to be Ovarian Cancer stage 1c. I’m currently undergoing 6 sessions of chemotherapy. As I said, I really hope it’s not OC with you, but insist on these two tests, as even the gynaecologist hadn’t suspected OC. Thanks to my daughter’s intervention, it was caught early in my case - the earlier the better is my advice.

I do hope your symptoms turn out to be something else.

RobPal profile image

I have OC and bloating was my only symptom so please don’t keep putting it off. You need to get a CA125 blood test and either a CT scan or transvaginal ultrasound. Make the appointments now. Better to be safe than sorry. If it is OC it is best to catch it as early as possible!!

WFBCC profile image

Do the tests now and stand your ground if you get pushback. Remember it's your health and you need to take control even if you need to change doctors. I was diagnosed with OC in December 2019. Never in my wildest imagination did I suspect cancer. When I looked back I remembered having a lot of bloating and pretty bad back pain. I've had 5 back surgeries so I dismissed that symptom and I convinced myself the bloating was from eating too fast. I went in for a CT scan to check for diverticulitis and the tumor was there. I had surgery about 4 weeks later. I've completed 6 chemo infusions and had a scan on June 15 which was clear. First oncologist appointment post chemo is September 16. I hope the outcome is favorable for you. Please let us know.

0954 profile image

There is a chance this is not OC but you should move forward with seeing a GYN-ONC specialist to rule this out. I have met 60+ OC survivors over the last 5 years and there have been several young ladies That I have met ... late teens to mid 30’s... most of us are much older. Here Is what I have learned about OC.... almost never has this disease been diagnosed properly By anyone EXCept a GYN-ONC specialist. Most GP’s and Gynecologists just don’t have this front and center in their minds for some reason when they see patients with these symptoms.

Again ask for a referral to a Gyno. Oncologist and set an appointment as soon as possible so if nothing else you can rule this out.

I know the word Oncologist can be frightening but this way you will have an answer and hopefully peace of mind.

Bahamas22 profile image

You sho old really go to your doctor and get a ct scan or ultrasound done

Teamteal2020 profile image

My symptoms were extreme bloating and difficulty eating. I was misdiagnosed with IBS and SIBO ( small intestine bacterial overgrowth). I was finally sent for a CT scan which showed a tumor on my ovary. Although I was devastated, it was almost a relief to finally know what the problem was and begin treatment.

I hope it’s not OC. Have you gotten any tests run since your post? If it’s not does sound similar to IC, interstitial cystitis, and I suffered horribly with very similar issues as you’re having. It can cause lots of pain when your bladder is full, tenderness, bloating, etc. I suffered horribly with ovarian cysts & endometriosis and was diagnosed with IC when I was about 26-27 yrs old. The breasts could be hormones, but I’d have them checked. Definitely don’t ignore the breast pain. Keep digging until you get answers. Also, for OC, remember CA125 isn’t 100% so if it’s negative or positive it can give false results. First, have them do transvaginal &/ vaginal US...if they find something have them do abdominal/ pelvic CT scan. Also good to check your hormones & CBC (blood count), just to see if everything is in order there. Wishing you the best.

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