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MIL ovarian cancer question

emilyjaycosta profile image
9 Replies

Hello again -

My MIL was diagnosed with ovarian cancer yesterday and her symptoms are rapidly taking a toll on her. They did not give her a stage yet but are planning to operate within the next couple weeks.

She is currently in bed, in pain, throwing up, barely able to eat. Is this normal after this type of diagnosis? At what point does she need to go to ER? I am worried about dehydration.

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emilyjaycosta profile image
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9 Replies

Please call your Mother-in-Law's doctor today and explain her symptoms. They will make a determination as to what is best. If she is in great pain, or cannot keep her food/liquid down and it has been some time, by all means get her to an urgent care center. Better to be safe and have her checked out.

Wishing her well.

GwenHP profile image

You didn’t mention in your previous post, do you know if your MIL’s doctor is a gynecological oncologist? It is important that whomever is doing the surgery is a gynecologic oncologist. They are the only ones who are trained to do this type of surgery to get the best outcome.

I also concur with the previous response to call her doctor or go to urgent care.

Ovarian cancer can’t really be officially staged until surgery. That’s when they can determine 1) that the masses are indeed cancerous and determine what kind of ovarian cancer it is and 2) determine the stage i.e. where the cancer has spread. Most of us are diagnosed with late stage - stage 3 or 4. I’m a stage 3C and I’m still here after 14 years. So while this is a very serious disease, please don’t get too hung up on the statistics.

Sending you hugs and best wishes to you and your mom. - Gwen

ovarian1c profile image
ovarian1c in reply to GwenHP

Oh wow, 14 years, GREAT!!! Are you doing anything special to keep it from coming back? Would luv to hear from you.

emilyjaycosta profile image

First of all, thank you all for responses. So heartwarming hearing positive stories. Yes, it is a gynecological oncologist. We travel two hours to see him, supposedly he’s the best in our area. So I’m grateful for that. The Dr wanted a CT scan prior to determine if it’s spread to the lungs, prior to surgery. So we are still waiting on the insurance approval to do that.

My father in law takes care of her so I am waiting to hear how she is this morning. I made my husband promise me he’d tell his mom to go to ER this morning. Just waiting on them to wake up.

mizpurple profile image

My experience of being diagnosed was kind of along the same lines - nausea, unable to eat or drink properly, weakness, lethargy - though I wasn't in pain. I was seriously dehydrated by the time I ended up in the ER seeking an answer, and it did some damage to my kidneys. Over the past 3 years of living with this disease, I have continued to have trouble off and on with dehydration due to poor nutrition or bouts of diarrhea or nausea and have needed top-ups of IV fluid on several occasions. You could ask if it might be advisable to take her in just to receive intravenous fluids. I hope the doc will also write her scrips for some pain relief and some anti-nausea meds. When you are looking at a major surgery and recovery, with possible chemo to follow, the doc should be concerned that you go into it in the best shape possible. Best of luck going forward - I hope she is feeling better soon!

emilyjaycosta profile image
emilyjaycosta in reply to mizpurple

I’m fearing she’s choosing not to fight. She’s been throwing up since Friday and hasn’t been able to keep anything down, but refusing to go to the hospital. I cannot eat or sleep thinking about how she is letting this go on. I understand it’s her choice but I also don’t know if she’s understands the severity of what dehydration can do to her body. This is all happening at once and is painful to say the least.

Beachperson profile image
Beachperson in reply to emilyjaycosta

I am so sorry for you all. My mother was recently diagnosed with an infection she chose not to fight. This is as choice we are all entitled to make st some point in our lives. But there is no reason for anyone to be in pain in this day and age. Perhaps her doctor will be willing to send s home nurse to the home to report back. I h as ve h as d several. Is she feels your mother should be on hospice she c as n help get the ball rolling. Hospice won't treat patients but they will see to it that they are as comfortable as possible. My mothers hospice nurses were a Godsend to us. You are in my prayers

Shorty59 profile image

So sorry to read this. You sound like a wonderful support system for her. Keep the Faith. My prayers to you all.❤️

alfie19 profile image

Reading all your comments as I also need help.

I have been in constant pain 24hrs a day since July.

I have been in and out of hospital for CT Scans, Chest Xray and now Heart Xray.

I am 65yrs and have primary Lymphoedema in both bilateral legs which has now spread to thighs up to the groin and into Vulva area.

Just recovering from Cellulitis of Vulva taking 7 day course of Fluoxocillian.

Also taking Zormorph and Oramorph for pain and anti-sickness tablets.

I am off my food even though I fancy it I bring it back up.

I have enlarged ovary and cyst with complications.

I have fluid on the lung.

I had 10 litres of ascites fluid drained from abdomen.

I have to have a camera put inside vagina to show what is going on and what stage the Cancer is to know what the best treatment to give me.

I have been told this can be a fatal procedure.

Can anyone please let me know if they have had this done.

Was it painful afterwards?

What was the aftercare? and what happens next?

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