I was diagnosed in 2013 and had surgery followed by chemo. I am in the midst of my second recurrence. Want to share trials and tribulations and good things with others.
Ovarian recurrence: I was diagnosed in... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
Ovarian recurrence

I'm so glad you found this site. It is a great place to connect with others who are traveling similar journeys with this disease.
What treatment are you on now for your recurrence?
Hi Nweisburg, welcome and thank you for wanting to share. Anytime I say hi to someone I want to say sorry to see you here it's not like you can say oh hey so glad you're here. What were you initially diagnosed with? Wishing you the best 🙃
I to had ovarian cancer!I just had drain and staples out yesterday. Full hysterectomy. He wants me to do 6 chemo.i am very depressed and negative on chemo!I had breast cancer in 2011 and could only do 3 treatment. I felt 1 more would have killed me.so you did all your treatments and it still came back
Hi Cynthia, hopefully this time the chemo won't be as bad for you. Usually the first 6 cycles are of carboplatin and taxol. Some of the side effects can be minimized or at least lessened. As you go through your treatments, let us know how it is going and we can share some of our lessons learned for dealing with side effects.
I did recur, but I've been cancer free since Nov 2008.
I was also diagnosed in 2013. Had reacurrence after 6 months. Been taking chemo since. Had about a 4 month break. Have one more cycle to go that means 3 chemos then another scan. Pray that the evil demon is gone.