Hello all,
On October 1, 2024, I started a drug trial protocol AC699. This past week I had my first scans and tumor marker blood tests. The scans are stable with possibly two tiny liver lesions becoming even smaller and all of my tumor markers have reduced greatly. The doctor was very happy with the results, as am I!! The only problems have been having to change my anti anxiety medication due to contraindications. That has been a challenge to get a decent balance back. Also, this past week I’ve had a cold which is now bronchitis. So, I cannot give a full, clean report of how I feel until I get the cold and dosing of anti anxiety worked out. However, the blanket of fatigue is gone, no diarrhea, no pain, no evidence of typical side effects. I can’t wait to get to the point of only the trial medication affecting how I feel and hopefully it’s as good as it seems to be. I was never a huge proponent of trials, but this is changing my mind. Wishing that you all can enjoy the holidays with some level of comfort and peace in your home. Happy holidays!!!