After 4 cycles of Ibrance along w/ Fulvestrant injections another tumor appeared in my left breast that continues to grow. The 1st tumor that I discovered initially in that breast went away after 16 rounds of intravenous chemo in 2017. A mastectomy was not done as my cancer had already metastasized and I was considered stage IV from the onset. My Oncoligist highly recommends that I participate in a clinical trial starting next Tuesday where I will either be in Group A taking Alisertib on days 1-3, 8-10, 15-17 w/ Fulvestrant or in Group B taking Alisertib w/out Fulvestrant.
Is anyone else in this study? If so, any luck? Side-effects? I'm debating whether I should even get involved as I feel this is their last resort. I'm not in any pain, never have been so I'm wondering if I should just let nature run it's course and stop all treatment. Not to mention my medical insurance is $934/mo and I'm not working. Friends & family members have been helping pay it but enough is enough!! I might be better off just going the holistic route if this clinical trial is my last resort.