Hi all,
I posted in March about an indeterminate liver nodule .8x.8 cm. Yesterday my scan showed the lesion has grown to 1.1x1.2 cm with several darkened areas elsewhere in my liver. My markers have doubled.
Even though 2 radiologists have said the location would be difficult to biopsy, they believe they can manage it at MDA. The doctor offered several possible scenarios once the biopsy is complete. There is a clinical trial for a "super Ibrance" that accepts not only hormone receptor positive tumors but HER2+ and TNC as well. She also mentioned Y90 radioembolization, everolimus if still ER+ and Xeloda if no longer positive. Even though I've done the Gaurdant 360 liquid biopsy which was negative for the P13K mutation, she said a tissue biopsy may have different results....glad I'm being billed that $10,000!
I'm trying to find the super Ibrance trial online without much luck. I have no idea how I could manage getting back and forth to Houston as often as necessary. It's just so expensive. It's 14 hours one way to drive it. Hotels. Cars. Dog sitters. Ugh. But, I'll figure it out. If the trial doesn't work, maybe the radioembolization.?.?.?
On top of the liver lesion, we went over all these little bits and pieces they see inside of me....lung, spleen, and bone She said although they are not currently considered malignant, they may likely be one day. Oh joy!
The doctor kept pushing my hair out of my eyes and holding my hand as if Iwere a child. Mind you, I had almost no emotional reaction. No tears. No trembling. She's this little tiny whisp of a woman. Probably 20 years younger. She was being kind but it seemed so ominous. I asked her about prognosis, and she quoted the 5 year data. My oncologist at home says 10 to 20. I think he's full of it.
Sorry for the gloominess. I'll suck it up in a day or two. Thank you all for listening and being strong shoulders when you have so much to deal with yourselves.
Love and hugs, Andi