It had been a while since I my last post. Since then I celebrated my 80th birthday, a grandson graduated from college, of my 3 granddaughters one got married, another is graduating from college and the third one is home safely from Qatar. Shortly after my pet scan in January, I was informed it looked good and “ nothing lit up “ and scheduled an appointment with my oncologist. I didn’t know what nothing lit up meant, except it wasn’t bad. Well, this morning I know exactly what it means after phone appointment with my oncologist. She said it “ it’s like there is nothing there”! I am beyond blessed, excited, happy and so very thankful for everyone’s prayers. It’s too bad I can’t go out hugging everyone. I couldn’t wait to share this with you all. I was diagnosed June 2018, started with Tamoxifen, switched to Ibrance, Faslodex and Zometa. I will have another pet scan in 6 months. I pray you all get “nothing lit up” results from your scans. God bless.
Great news: It had been a while since I... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Great news

Wow, Wow, & Wow! Hopefully I get to be the first one to congratulate you! Thank you so much for sharing this good news. Gives us hope, hope and more hope!
Congrats that is brilliant news so pleased for you. Take care and safe and thank you for sharing
Wow! It doesn't get any better than that! Congratulations, not just on the medical stuff but also on how well your family is (are?) doing! Enjoy as best you can (minus the hugs ) but good news like this certainly offsets some of the bad news these days...

Thank you. Hopefully this crisis will ease up worldwide.
I'm originally from San Francisco and still have relatives in Sacramento area, but have lived up and down the coast throughout my life. Well, with the exception of the last two weeks, our weather is usually much warmer. Are you in Orange County?
I am in San Diego County and right now they just sounded the flash flood warning alarm. Has not stopped raining since last night.
Saturday & Sunday and the rest of the week is supposed to be clear. Yea! We need to get and walk!
Still a bit overcast, but not raining. No, I didn’t know SD is called God’s Country. That sounds lovely. I am only 5 miles from the beach and can’t wait to go out there again. I had my Faslodex injection yesterday and a bit sore. Will wait next week to go out walking. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter.
Yay!!😃 Wonderful news! Congratulations. And Happy Birthday!
Good news! What a wonderful piece of news to celebrate in these darker times. I wish I could jump up and down and hug you and squeal like a teenager! Virtual ones coming your way anyway!
That is fantastic news! Xx
Awesome! Thank God for the good news! ❤️
Thank You Lord. Praise God. I’m so happy to hear this awesome news. ❤️❤️❤️
Most wonderful news!
Thank u for sharing, lifts spirits and brings in hope for all.
Kind wishes for a good living ahead x❣
I'm happy for you. Thanking God.
Good Friday morning to you sister/warrior, and yessssssssss over-comer. Your faith has made you whole. C-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e with your loved ones, but from at least 6 feet away, for now. What a gift on this Passover time of celebration, especially during this challenging time. I send you virtual hugs, and air kisses. Enjoy this season of bringing others to know the love of GOD. Amen XoiXoXoXo
I am so happy for you. Best news ever. Blessings, Hannah
Almost two years! During which you celebrated many special milestones! Your life is indeed blessed!! So happy to read your post—it made my morning! ☀️☀️🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️
That's amazing! Bless you!
I am so happy for all your good news. Congratulations!
So happy your treatments are working and thanks for sharing your truly miraculous news with all of us! We certainly need some good news with all that is happening in the world today! May God continue to bless you and your family!
That's wonderful news for you! (and great that your granddaughter is home safe from Qatar! is she in the military? IF she is, thank her for us!) I don't know if this is true for every single mbc patient in their 80s (and above) but being older usually means that the cancer is likely to be a very slow growing one and less aggressive than if we'd gotten it when younger. You have a lot going for you! The bc oncs I've gotten second opinions from have always said that doing well suggests you will continue to do well. Thanks for sharing all that good news! And it's just occuring to me that this must be a very strange time to graduate from college and be looking for a job! Yikes.....i hope those college grad grandchildren are able to find positions that they want and thrive in! And that you get some great grandchildren to love and enjoy.
My granddaughter was teaching in an International school in Qatar. We are so happy she got home safely. I feel badly for anyone looking for a job right now, even more difficult for newly graduates. I think you are right about BC in older patients being slow growing and less aggressive. From day one, I felt fine. No side effects from Ibrance, Faslodex or Zometa,except for hair thinning and weight gain, but that also be part of old age. I remember telling my daughter maybe the doctors were looking at someone else’s scans, from the initial shock of being told I have MBC and later for not feeling any different. Whatever it is, I am so grateful and blessed.
My PET scans were great for 2 years. Then last July I found myself sitting on my kitchen floor staring into my drier.I had checked my laundry and bent down and could not stop myself. I went to the ER and got a CT and an MRI. I was told that I had an Aneurysm on the left side an two tumors on the right side. I could not walk without a walker an had to have directed radiation on the tumors in an then surgery on the anny in December. I've spent months going back and forth and have been told that they didn't find this during PET scans because they DO NOT SCAN YOUR HEAD. My original diagnosis was stage 4 invasive ductal carcinoma.. When I asked 4 dr's why my head was never checked they all told me because it was not protocol...... .I think that is ridiculous and am only sharing this because I think other people should know. If I had known...two years ago...I would have demanded that they do a CT or an MRI on my head along with PET scans so that I could stay on top of this. Would the outcome have been different? I doubt it, but maybe I could have done something sooner. It took me 3 months to even start feeling like I had my head together. I am still working on that. I could not drive for 7months. (I've been on steroids off an on since an they put me on ibrance and femara- I was preiously on arimidex. I feel like carp most of the time- I lost all the hair that I grew back after my original chemo and rads 2 years ago. Which has one nothing for my mood an I've gained 40lbs with the steroids)Thank God for my 19 year old son an my sister in law who made sure that I got where I needed to go. I am praying for anyone who has clean scans I just want people to know that there are other things you should check. Forgive me, I don't mean to be a Debbie downer here. I wish someone would have told me these things 2 years ago when I felt fine.
I typed a long reply to your post yesterday, but my finger must have clicked “cancel “ instead of reply. With my arthritic fingers,it will take an hour to retype it. I just want you know I appreciate your sharing your unfortunate and painful experience which possibly could have been avoided by a pet scan. Praying it doesn’t happen to anyone else and your continued recovery.
So great to read such encouraging news this morning. I love opening up "HealthUnlocked" and reading these types of comments. You are a true warrior and at 80 no less.
May God continue to bless you and your family.
Thank you, Sandra. Hope and pray you are doing well.
That is wonderful news. Congratulations
Congratulations! That's wonderful news.
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NOTHING LIT UP !! That is amazing! HAPPY EASTER TO YOU!!! So exciting about your family's celebrations. Graduations ,marriage,and being home safe ! A big shout out on your 80th BIRTHDAY🎂🎉🎊🎈🌞😊🍀
It doesn’t get much better than that! Congratulations!❤️
Congratulations 🎉