Today I start my 30th month of Ibrance and letrozole. I had a Ct scan yesterday and I am still stable. I went from many lung nodes to one tiny node in one lung. Today is a good day.
I wish my knees and hips were in the mood to celebrate.
Today I start my 30th month of Ibrance and letrozole. I had a Ct scan yesterday and I am still stable. I went from many lung nodes to one tiny node in one lung. Today is a good day.
I wish my knees and hips were in the mood to celebrate.
Yea.................You should table dance (can do that sitting down)!
I gotta tell you: I love hearing about women in remission for 30 months (I'm at 12 months). That's wonderful to hear for you, and gives all of us a real boost. Good for you! Time to do the Dance of Joy!
Fab could always lie on the sofa with a glass of champagne...don’t have to dance..
Hope you continue to thrive
Do you do yoga? helps me enormously..I’m on same drugs but mets to many bones and in much pain but yoga helps so much..and acupuncture sorts the night sweating
Barb xx
I would like to give yoga a try, but have been to embarrassed to try. I am headed to my cottage for the summer soon. There is a church there that has a chair yoga class for seniors. I think I will ask if they will let me try even though I am not quite a senior yet.
Go for it!!
Yogas not about how you can hold a posture or how far you can ‘get’..the breathing and control is what matters
Also nobody’s looking at you when they’re concentrating on themselves so don’t feel embarrassed ...and if they are then they’re not doing it properly and who the hell cares anyway
Barb xx
Glad you are feeling better Barb!
Thanks Marianne
I reckon the combination of the iron infusion and ditching that citalopram have made a heck of a difference
I even have my rosy cheeks back
Barb xx
Barb, if there is anyone out there that thinks they can’t deal with this diagnosis and that things will never get better, they should go back 3-4 months and read your posts and then read your recent ones. There has been a huge change and I am so happy for you that you are feeling so much better! Elaine
Thanks Elaine...I’ve sort of forgotten how wretched I’s not obvious at the time due to medication...I know lots of ladies do well on antidepressants but not for me
The best antidepressant that works for me is being around animals and nature and getting out and about..I was isolating myself....big mistake
There’s a woman at the yoga place where I go who does Korean massages..a bit like acupressure but very gently...used to have them years ago for back pain...went yesterday and enjoyed a’s these little treats to myself that give me a boost
All the best to you
Barb xx
So great! Congratulations and thank you for sharing. I hope you have many more months and years of positive scans!
YAY! <3
Oh that is great news not just for you but for all of us. I'm on my 20th month. Knees and hips rough shape too, but if it's not cancer whoopy!!!
Thank God for researchers and Drs. Here's to years and years ahead. I was stage 4MBC had 26 weeks chemo red devil, then lumpectomy, and 6 weeks radiation. It had metasticised to 1 lymphnode and tiny spot on my spine, it will be 3 years this July since my detour. So thank you to Ibrance and letrozole for keeping the demon away.
Will be thinking of you next Thursday. Sending positive energy and good wishes for the best results!
Sounds like you are set up for a good one
Yea, good news. Very happy for you. Well dance in your head. I am a much better dancer when I do it that way. Haha!!
Happy to hear your good news too! x
Definitely you can participate..majority of postures are standing can adapt the lie down ones by just incorporating cat poses or something else..I would suggest you find a good teacher and have a private point in just pitching up to a class as you spend more time trying to fathom what’s next
I’m really lucky with my teacher..he was taught in India many years ago and his type of yoga is ‘flowing ‘from one posture to the next while breathing continuously into the looks easy but isn’t
I had to have a six month break after diagnosis and became very weak..after restarting I can feel my strength returning
Hope helps
Barb xx
So glad to hear such great results !
Hooray for you!! Just sit down in an easy chair and kick those feet in the air! Your good news is ours too!! SO HAPPY FOR YOUR RESULTS!! Thanks for spreading your joy!! ❤️❤️❤️ Linda
How wonderful!! Thank you for sharing! Helps me feel hopeful! I am new to MBC with bone mets, 8 yrs after initial Stage 3 diagnosis. I’m starting 4th Cycle Ibrance, and on exemestane. Starting prolia shots soon. Bone scan and CT coming soon to check how I’m doing. So encouraging!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy, If you can't move your hips, and knees , do the neck, and chicken dance while sitting in a chair or on your sofa. God's continued blessings.