I have severe RLS, on a lot of meds for it. Still doesn't help, actually made it worse. I have RLS almost all day and night. Wanting to start Krantom how many teaspoon will need to take throughout the day and night?
How much Krantom for RLS: I have severe... - Restless Legs Syn...
How much Krantom for RLS

Tea spoon isn't an accurate method of dosing - how do you know you will put the same amount in each time?
Start with 1g then try 2, then 3g moving slowly until you reach desired relief without undesired side-effects.
As with all substances you put in your body - Your body is your own and needs to last until you die - be very careful with them, researching well and taking the lowest dose possible.
Search for Kratom in search bar at top right of page.
You need to sort out your medications first, before adding anything more.
It's quite likely that one or more of them is causing your severe reaction.
Let me +1 on what Madlegs1 said - if the drugs are making it worse that needs to be addressed first and foremost - you will get no peace, even with Kratom, until you do.
While looking at the drugs, (and if you are on a dopaminergic drug and it has been increased and things still getting worse then that is the first thing to address), also look at diet particularly avoiding Dairy and Gluten, (others here avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol but I have a sweet tooth so like my white gold ).
This should get you started:

Hi Raff Do you remember a book from the 1960s called "Pure White and Deadly"? About sugar and much more appropriate than "white gold"
Of course I am a recently reformed sweet tooth and therefore holier than anyone!
The sugar industry is the modern version of the asbestos/nicotine industries.
I am certain that food industry, (and I use the word food lightly), will in the future be damned for what they have done. When there is near hysteria about the drugs Drs prescribe little is being done about the concentration of sugar, salt and fat in foods like McDonalds, KFC, etc, that is deliberately manipulated so as to create addicted, obese customers that will eat themselves to death due to deliberately damaging practices - a days calories in an unsatisfying meal - buy our 'food' we will give you 2 days calories with the added joy of being hungry in an hour!
I'd start me reading on Kratom here:
Hi Mddsain I'm really sorry Ive never heard of it so I dont know Have you asked your GP?
Always best to start with smaller doses and see how you react. They say you should alternate between the different red strains of Kratom to avoid building up a tolerance. I use Red Bali, Red Borneo, Red Thai, and Red Indonesian. Start with 1/4-1/2 tsp mixed In 1/2 cup of water and see how you do. Usually takes 30-60 minutes before I feel effects. I order through Kratomcrazy.com.
Not on Kratom, but started Pregabalin about three weeks ago, GP put this up to 300mg a day but though daytime symptoms are better, nights are hell - with little or no sleep. Do I need to give the drug more time to kick in? I saw my GP today who thinks that as Pregabalin has not worked thus far it probably won’t. So has given me Pramipexole. I will have to try this, although I have just got myself off Ropinirole. If the new drug works I shall keep to the lowest possible dose, that’s for sure.
Doctor also gave me a few Zopiclone to knock me out for a couple of nights in the meantime!
Do not take the pramipexole. if you have just got off ropinirole ( presumably for augmentation) you will suffer the same thing with pramipexole.
The pregabalin should only be taken at night if that is when your legs are at their worst.
Pregablin does take about 3 weeks to start working and presumably, you haven't been off ropinirole for long. DAWS can last months after the last dose of ropinirole so I would suggest asking your doctor for another low dose drug to take for a few weeks until the DAWS symptoms settle. A strong pain killer like tramadol or oxycontin would be appropriate and when sleep at night is a little better, you could slowly reduce the dose of pregabalin to 150mg at night only and take the lowest possible dose of tramadol/oxycontin to manage the RLS.
Do also ask for a blood test and get your serum ferritin above 100.
Thanks as ever Jools, I haven’t taken any Pramipexole, and remembering your words I was very reluctant to agree to the prescription. I luckily have enough Tramadol and probably Pregabalin to try continuing as you say, using more Tramadol and gently titrating the Pregabalin for 3or 4 weeks with the odd Zopiclone maybe which hopefully will be enough to get me over this horror period. Will let you know. Thanks.x
Hope it goes well. I still have times where the RLS goes crazy for nights on end and then a week with no RLS. Frustrating.
If you can get hold of cannabis it may help. I found it gave me one or two hours sleep during withdrawal.
GP says my ferritin is 140 so no problems there. Thanks again
Unfortunately the problem is in the brain. Our blood can carry loads of iron but our brains can't store it and come evening and the brain levels are depleted the RLS kicks in or ramps up and we jiggle and dance our way to morning.
The blood tests in my opinion are a waste of time as it is our brain levels that need to be looked at. Check gentle iron in the HU search bar at top right of page and read up on it. I have normal blood iron levels and still take gentle iron with good results - I took a different iron, one with B vits in it, and within 5 or 6 days I could tell I had too much iron and had to stop for a couple of days. Gentle Iron is the way to go imho.
I used kratom to get me through ropinirole withdrawal it was and is a miracle herb for me. My life is back to normal after the horrible side effects and augmentation I suffered for years. I started with 1/2 tsp and increased to 1 tsp. to be my effect dose. Everyone is different so start slow and increase slowly after 30-45 minutes until relief is obtained. I only use kratom occasionally when RLS is out of control. I have had to re dose in the middle of the night when the kratom wore off but only a hand full of time in the last 2-3 years. I also take iron, magnesium and nutritional yeast daily. I am not recommending anything to anybody just sharing what work for me. An ounce of kratom lasts me 2-3 weeks. Do your research look at the science not the propaganda. Wishing you the best of luck