I haven't been here for a while because I have been and am quite ill and have had MRI Scanon my spine. My RLS was helped by Buprenorphine Sublingual tablets. I couldn't tolerate the patches because they caused a bad skin reaction. Then my Dr. for some reason decided to take me off Buprenorphine and he said that they would be better for me. They aren't! He is hoping to talk me into taking Ropinarol which I am refusing to do having had excellent advice from people here and I have Googled the drug and American Consultant's have said that that drug causes very bad augmentation etc. which is what Jools and Sue have said. Thank you so much to them and others for all the help and advice. The MRI has shown a fractured vertebrae which is compressing nerves and the Orthopaedic Consultant can't do anything to help me and told me I have had too many birthdays so I have bad Osteoporosis! Too kind! I will be 72 in February! I have 100 mg Tapentadol twice a day and quick acting Tapentadol 50 mg for in between. I take 100 mg at 10 p.m. but by 3.30 - 4 a.m. the RLS gets very bad so I have had to take 100mg instead of the 50 mg.
It is , of course, New Year so I can't contact my Dr. The Tapentadol helps the fracture pain to a degree but when it wears off I'm in agony with my leg's kicking and they feel as though they are in a vice +++ ! I have asked to see a Neurologist but have been told that they won't be able to help me with the RLS. Would people here agree? I'm so tired with the fracture pain, RLS and the Tapentadol and I hate being an ' invalid '. My Ferritin level is always low and doesn't go up much even with Iron pills . Should I ask, again, to see a Neurologist and why won't Dr.s listen to what their patients are telling them and why don't they want to find out more about RLS. My Dr. has a few patients on Ropinirole and keeps telling me how much they have helped but I've researched those pills and read too many negative comments about that drug.....if anything made my RLS worse I don't know what I would do! So....should I see a Neurologist or should I ask to be put on Buprenorphine tablet's again? Will the Tapentadol build up in my system and help more. I can't think straight and don't know what to do next ! My Dr. is on holiday till Monday but I will contact him then. Any advice would be much appreciated...again! Take care everybody and I hope this year will be better for you all.