hi all,
Nearly 4 am and I’m in for another sleepless night on buprenorphine. Help!
I’m really struggling. I’ve settled on somewhat of a pattern. I take 5 mg oxycodone at noon, six and ten pm. I can go to sleep, but I wake up at 6 am with RLS, take an oxy and get 3 hours of lovely sleep.
By day 3 of this schedule, I have RLS all day, so I add buprenorphine at 9 pm and if I go straight to sleep, I get one night of rest. Kills RLS entirely that night and the next day.
if I take buprenorphine a second night in a row, I am up ALL NIGHT with crazy insomnia, wiped out the next day and back to hobbling on an oxy schedule.
Dr. B said buprenorphine does not cause insomnia, but it surely does for me. He wanted me to try methadone, but I had trouble filling the prescription and thought I could perhaps get my oxy/buprenorphine schedule under control.
But I can’t.
For those of you on buprenorphine, do you supplement with oxy? Do you take sleeping pills? I would love to hear how you are making this work because I am absolutely exhausted. I have to be awake in two hours to start my workday and I’ve had no sleep.
thanks all.