I have been online but the results are confusing. I am happy to pay for the test.
Can anyone advise me on how to get a ... - Restless Legs Syn...
Can anyone advise me on how to get a Full Iron Panel blood test in the UK?

Just ask your GP and ask for full panel, morning, fasting blood test to include serum ferritin, serum iron, serum transferrin and percentage iron saturation.
Each UK health area has different forms and often your GP will need to specifically ask for serum ferritin, in addition to other blood tests.
NICE guidance, link above, does mention ferritin.
If your GP refuses, you may have to pay privately.
Ha you must have commented just as i was typing mine. Yours was of course a full explanation 😊
😊 I'm sitting on my sofa with Covid, so watching TV and catching up on the Forum. Second time I've had it, and hopefully I'll recover quickly as I had my vaccine a few weeks ago.
Oh no poor you hope recover soon. Covid is something that i haven’t had and don’t want. My next jab is in two weeks time. Where i live we are experiencing bad flooding and have a storm hitting on Wednesday night and Thursday i have been watching the pics people have been posting and finding a supermarket that is open because of roads water logged , i get my food delivered Take care and feel better soon.
I tried to send you a message but was unsuccessful. I have been trying to help out Huntingleroy in a post he made 2 months ago at healthunlocked.com/rlsuk/po... but I feel he would be better helped by you since you live in the UK. He also posted 8 days ago at healthunlocked.com/rlsuk/po...
Ask your doctor you should be allowed to have one. Mention why you need one.
Hi I use Thriva for my thyroid blood tests and found them good and reliable. Just Google Thriva private blood tests and ask for the ones Jools recommended. Fir the thyroid one you can either go to a local private hospital or do it at home which involves a thumb prick and squeezing the blood into a small test tube I need someone to hold the tube whilst I squeeze as bit tricky by yourself. Results are sent by email. Alternatively you could ring a private hospital in your area and ask about it .Spire and Bupa are the ones in my area
Hi Paddy, my GP arranged for mine, could you start off with that?
I did not have any difficulty getting my GP to check my ferritin/transferrin levels a few months ago - after I explained that most people with RLS are helped by improving their ferritin levels.
Your gp should do it ..or contact spire blood clinic manchester .