Hi all,
I need your advice. I have been asked to go on Good Morning Britain to talk about DA’s, I am a nervous wreck, what is anyone’s thinking, if I felt that it could really really help, I will do it? HELP! Sue
Hi all,
I need your advice. I have been asked to go on Good Morning Britain to talk about DA’s, I am a nervous wreck, what is anyone’s thinking, if I felt that it could really really help, I will do it? HELP! Sue
Wow that it’s been picked up by a daytime tv program. Think Jools will be helpful she has done interviews. Good luck. 😊
It will help! Do it.
Please do it, it will help raise awareness. The program obviously believes that you have an important story to tell.
Here is a recent interview which might be useful for you bbc.com/news/articles/cgkmr...
You will be helping others if you feel able to speak out publicly. Maybe you could contact RLS-UK if you would like any support.
Please do it for all of the sufferers. Thanks so much in advance! You're a star ⭐
There has been a recent rash of articles like the above over the last few days so the issue is getting some attention, although not much attention is paid to the reasons for taking dopamine namely the crippling problems of and lack of sleep. Personally, I would consider appearing but I would want to know that it wasn’t just going to be focused on the more lurid details but actually went into more detail on the lack of good options for people with RLS and difficulties finding knowledgeable Drs for example. I think it could help more people if they knew the whole picture. However don't be pressured if you are not comfortable.
Please do. And do prepare.
What do you want to get across? Think about it and write it down in bullet points. And be prepared that they will ask different questions than what they will prepare with you. It may help to practice with someone close to ‘respond’ to any question by just giving your own story. If you have a good leniency in you thinking and speech, do start you answer with just one short sentence that connects the question to your own story or issue. But this last thing is difficult. In any case, don’t rush and take your time to answer.
Good luck. You can 💪🏻
My friend heard it but I missed it. How can I listen to it now please?
I have downloaded the App BBC Sounds but can't find the broadcast.
Many thanks and well done.
I am sure the Good Morning staff will put you at ease and help you to get your points across. I worked in this area of television so do also be ready for getting the “all in the mind” one thrown at you. Just invite them to stalk the parapets at 4 o’clock in the morning as you try to calm the raging legs and it is a known condition which is just unknown to many G Ps. I would want to make the case Ropinirole has not been the medication of choice for many years but still, G Ps continue to prescribe it when there are much better options which do not have dramatic side effects. They are not good at discussing side effects. Maybe pharmacists could be more upfront with advice. The best of them probably are. And you are more likely to see them face to face! Go well. Don’t forget you are far more knowledgeable than the inquisitors. Daisy
It would be great if you could!
It would be great if you could, if your story is appropriate. However I would definitely reach out to RLS-UK for advice/support. Perhaps Joolsg or Kaarina could advise?
If you feel able you should. If you’re nervous take someone to support you. Someone from this group perhaps. Whatever you decide, good luck.
Slightly off subject I know, but if you feel you can do it and publicise it more thats great.Its good to know its more recognised now, albeit a slow process. I remember my dear old mum way back in late 1980’s going to her gp and saying’ ‘ I’ve got jumpy legs, its like ants crawling inside them’’ his answer was quote ‘ dont be ridiculous woman there is no such thing”. a generalisation but maybe todays gp’s aren’t so bad really!