THC gummies worked for the first couple of times but, last time I took it I was super paranoid and definitely not sleeping. It’s not for me . To date, I’m taking one Pramipexole and one 12.5 ambien day night and sleep 4-5 hours and experience mild to no symptoms the following day. So far so good
THC Gummies : THC gummies worked for... - Restless Legs Syn...
THC Gummies

Prami is still the big player in your sleep. You might not find relief 'till you're off it. THC/CBD gummies were just too excitable for me.
Actually , I cut back the Pramipexole to one tablet right before bed which I take with the Ambien. Typically I sleep pretty decent for 4-5 hours and wake up between 2-3:30am. I’ll get up, watch tv for about an hour and drink about 6ounces of beer and go back to bed and sleep for typically another 3 hours. For the most part, my nureopathy symptoms are mild to none the next day until that evening . This has been working for about 2 weeks so far. Trial and error!!
If you want to try THC gummies again I’d suggest Delta 8 Indica ( not Sativa) gummies rather than Delta 9 . It does not usually cause paranoia.
Problem is the vast varieties of cannabis. I would not dismiss before trying a few different varieties. If you are able to access a medical cannabis doctor - they would be aware through experience of the most relaxing, body calming varieties. Some cannabis if it is too high in THC can cause the symptoms you describe. My doctor prescribes the flowers which can be used in a dry herb vape. It has an instant effect of calming my body and making me sleepy. It is very helpful.