Has anyone used THC,CBD,CBN for restless leg or insomnia. I am just starting to try in hopes to either get off of the drugs I am on for RLS/Insomnia which are low dose pregabalin and klonopin. Just curious about peoples experience and whether there are any benefits.
THC/CBD/CBN: Has anyone used THC,CBD... - Restless Legs Syn...

I have used CBD and THC unsuccessfully. But many get help with THC so worth a try.Good luck.
I tried CBN or THC in pill, tincture, and vaping, but none of the them worked, or at least not in the way I had hoped. The THC tincture made me sleep, but it also made me feel like I had a 300 lb, gorilla sitting on my chest, and it frightened me that it was depressing my breathing. The CBN pill did nothing. The vaping knocked me out, but it burned my throat pretty badly and made me cough quite a bit, which I was told was normal. Thankfully, I went to a cannabis clinic that allowed up to four returns for a full refund (Soulful in Sonoma County, California). In my experience (and everyone is different), the best cannabis could do was to knock me out rather than actually help with the RLS. I do much better taking my one 30 mg, codeine-acetaminophen pill at night, which actually stops the RLS.
I could go for being knocked out once in awhile if I woke up refreshed! lol. Thank you.
I also started using it when I had to wean myself off ropinerole. I've been using it for several years. It has been a lifesaver.
It is not a perfect option, but it works for me about just as well as the ropinerole was working by the end, as I was only getting about 3 hours of sleep on that. For me it gives me anywhere from 70-90% relief. The effects only last for between 2-3 hours. A which point I get up and smoke again. and since the effects are almost instantaneous its not a big deal, I just go back to sleep. make sure you get an indica. It doesn't seem to work for everyone, but its worth trying.
I take Oxycodone for restlessness. For sleep I take a 100mg capsule of THC and 1/2-3/4 of a 25mg Gummy of Delta 8 Indica THC about 90 minutes before bedtime. I wake up 2-3 times but easily fall back to sleep. Vaping the THC gives me quick short term relief for breakthrough restlessness. I hope you find the “recipe” that works for you.
100 mg THC??? That’s 20x the amount that are in the gummies I take for sleep! Mine are a combination CBN/THC and they work wonders in getting me to sleep.
I have several friends who don't have RLS who use it successfully (THC) for sleep. I tried all of them for my PLMD. The THC downsides: I had to get high to make it work to get me to sleep and I don't like to get high. Also tolerance builds up and it made me sedated the next day. Also is difficult to dose (tincture is the best in this regard). CBN did nothing expect cost a lot -- actually it all costs a lot in California. (I can't believe the story above about getting to return stuff if it didn't work.) I have used CBD more than once for helping smooth out rough edges when getting off benzos, etc. and it seems to help. I am using it now as I just got off of klonopin. In fact, at the moment it is working so well I am not going to try the next drug. The trick with CBD (and THC) is finding a good brand, and how can you know? I noticed the one I am using now is helping because I took it during the day and was effected by it. But I am taking around 40-50 mg a day and this is going to be expensive. (But this experiment is very new and my PLMD may be giving me a bit of a break, although it is when I am coming off a benzo and that is not usually a time when you get a "break".) I did take THCA for months and it was a miracle for my PLMD at the time, but I tried it again with no help so I am wondering if my PLMD was on vacation at the time. I really hate the marijuana world mostly. There are some very helpful people in it, however, wonderful people who want to help, even if they don't really have answers. Heavy doses of CBD are used for some epilepsy (I think this is accurate.) I may try that drug down the road.
I am right there with you. Presently on pregabalin (and I think my low dose actually is helpful with RLS), but I am on Klonopin for sleep for many years and really want to get off of it. I just started experimenting. I have two tinctures I bought. I am in NYC where there are shops. Both claim to help with sleep and are slightly different in the THC/CBD/CBN dosage. Yes, a slight buzz to make me drowsy is what I want....and even if I find the perfect recipe there is no guarantee that the product I buy will always exist, whereas a prescription drug is regulated.
Search for Delta 8 (THC and CBN) and find out if it available in your state. It won't make you high and it's legal in states where marijuana is not. I find that 6-10 mg of the tincture helps me sleep. I don't think it does much for RLS, just helps you sleep though it. Tolerance will develop, so you have to give it a break and try something else for a while.
I am just a week in starting using Adven Oil (mixed THC/CBD). I have found on some nights it helps and on others it’s not so it’s early days, plus my dose is quite low for now. Previously I have tried Amitriptyline and Pramipexole but they didn’t work without painkillers as well so I’m trying this in an attempt to have something more natural.
agreed. natural would be nice. I am finding that the THC/CBD/CBN might be helping me stay asleep longer....and maybe fall asleep faster, however haven't been able to cut the klonopin down which is my goal. a work in progress!