just a quick query I take a blood thinner Apixaban for Arterial fibromyalgia would it be safe to take a form of Magnesium?
magnesium : just a quick query I take a... - Restless Legs Syn...

There shouldn't be a problem taking magnesium while on apixaban, but magnesium can inhibit the absorption of iron if you are supplementing with that, and with medications such as gabapentin, and you should take magnesium at least a couple of hours away from these. Not sure this also applies to pregabalin - some sources say no but I'm sure @SueJohnson can advise on this?
As we've discussed before, you need to take a bioavailable form of magnesium and you are more likely to find magnesium citrate over the counter in the UK than Mg glycinate: it can have a laxative effect depending on the individual and the dosage. But it certainly helped stop my RLS symptoms.
SueJohnson (don't know why that won't work in the post above!)
Don't know why what won't work?
The @suejohnson wouldn't actually tag you in the original post, but did in my follow up. Tagging usually works -SueJohnson - but sometimes just won't
I'm not familiar with this - how do you do it and does that mean that if you were replying to someone else then it would also reply to me?
If you type an 'at' symbol followed immediately by starting the name of the person in the group that you want to tag - e.g. @fredbloggz - it should bring up one or more suggestions. You just tap or click the one that you want: on my phone at least it then appears highlighted.
And yes, that should then mean that both the Poster that you've Replied to and the person tagged should get an Alert.
As I wrote - usually works but occasionally won't!
It is OK to take magnesium within 2 hours of pregabalin. I used to say not but Madlegs showed me a source that said no.
Yes, I found a 'no problem' source as well.
(BTW I also found one saying "take products containing Magnesium (antacids and Magnesium supplements) two hours before or 4-6 hours after the Gabapentin intake."
You can take magnesium within 2 hours of pregabalin.
I do. I take Rivaroxiban (Xeralto) as a blood thinner for a-fib and magnesium every day.
Dipyridamole is a blood thinner that helps RLS!