Can anyone tell me about mag ,I know if I have a bath with mag salts my rls is better and will calm down,what I am hoping is if I eat food that contains magnesium after a little while I might be able to cut one of my tabs out,or should I take a mag tablet ,I do like all the food that has mag in it,I do also use mag oil Thanks
Magnesium: Can anyone tell me about mag... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi beady3 if you think it might work give it a go anythings worth a try I know when I was going through the process of finding out what I had ,tried that but didn't do a thing, your body might need it that could be whats lacking for you hope it is ,good luck
Beady can you tell me if you have a bath without putting in Epsom Salts do you still get the same relief? I am interested to know if it is the hot water or the Epsom...Pipps x
Try magnesium oil. You just spray it on the affected part. See Boots online or
for example.
Magnesium baths (Epsom salts) never helped my RLS and even the spray didnt. So, i guess its what works for one doesnt for another.

Outside of prescription meds have you had or seen people having success with alternative methods?
I have Primary RLS so its my genes that are at fault. So, it seems no supplements or such will help me. I think some of these supplements can help for people who have Secondary RLS. I have tried in the past before taking meds many different things to try to help. I do avoid alcohol as that can be my trigger for my RLS to rear up.

I've been avoiding alcohol and I also think that helps. I'm just beginning to be frustrated with alternatives. But, as I had a horrible experience with Parampexol (sp?) I am very hesitant to consider a dopamine agonist and so was curious. Thanks for your reply.
Hi beady3,
If you go down the route of supplementing Magnesium look for 1 that is bio available, ie close to the Mag that is already in our body.
I take Mag Bisglycinate for that reason. There are lots of different forms and you could Google it to find the correct one for you.
Also the advice would be, to take at night time.
Magnesium seems to help some people. RLS seems to have different causes for different people. Magnesium and Calcium seemed to help me several years ago (I've suffered 40 years), but now have little effect.
I would love to try a different way to stop my RLS. A friend of mine from our small group from Church is wanting me to try essential oils.. The only thing is I am on Meripex extended release .75 grams and how would i even know if this will help me..the only way to know is get off this medicine and try other ways. I have tried to stop cold turkey and I learned my lesson. I would have to get pain relief while I am getting off my meds and then try other ways. I'm taking magnesium and calcium plus iron with my meripex. I do believe the magnesium and the others I'm taking really help. But like I said I really would not know unless I am off my medicine.
Thank you all for reply about magnesium I am on hol with my daughter so will try the bath when I get home am trying the oil now ,will let you know how I got on in a couple of weeks thanks x
Magnesium oil helped me for a while but like other non-medication cures the effect did not last for me sadly. I have tried magnetic wraps, Tonic water (which some say helps), essential oils, iron supplements, cold/hot baths e.t.c. Although I am not keen on taking medication the only relief I get is with Ropinirole (Requip) and walking around when my legs start dancing or my toes start curling up. I have recently begun to do stretching exercises which might have eased the symptoms a little. I'll let you know how this pans out.
P.S. alcohol makes no difference whatsoever to my RLS although I rarely drink anyway.
Hi Wendy sorry things not going well for you ,that's all we can do is keep trying different meds out until something suits ,what ever you do don't keep increasing Requip augmentation will set in I had a terrible time with them,good luck to you X