Hi,I've been taking Magnesium glysinate but have read an article where its better to take Magnesium Citrate, can anyone please let me know what is their experience, ta.
Magnesium : Hi,I've been taking... - Restless Legs Syn...

I may have told you this but since you have kidney problems you should discuss taking magnesium with your doctor.
My mum has RLS as well as CKD stage 3 which is associated with it. She takes glycinate but you should see a qualified, specialised Nutritional Therapist for your personal situation as all patients are different eg bowel-related factors.
Magnesium is reported to be good for CKD within serum range limitations (eg 2 links below). I believe that medics are as specialised in nutrition, including supplement advice, as they are in RLS 😜with no proper training and qualifications. Be careful with their drugs though!
PS Its sadly common (but wrong) for medical doctors not to diagnose CKD 'til at least stage 3.
Taking magnesium citrate in large doses results in loose stools whereas magnesium glycineate does not.
youtube.com/watch?v=VDOhbrU... This is a link to the Online doctor I try to follow here in the U.S. talking about Magnesium.