Evening health colleagues 😉
I have been taking a 'therapeutic dose of Buprenorphine for 2 years and recently am finding constipation and issue.
Slightly off topic, but just to mention some possibly relevant history, I had a small bowel resection in 2006 which resulted in adhesions.
I am careful not to overeat, and have little appetite and my diet has been poor.
I recently had a 12 hour or so bout of watery diarrhea with accompanying blood. My GP is testing bloods and said internal investigation showed nothing untoward and to go back to see her or A& E if the cramps or blood reappears.
It did over the weekend but wasn't able to reach A&E and I didn't feel ill, no cramp. It was just red blood. Not dark.
Thought I'd wait until Monday and speak to my GP again.
My query is for those out there that take Buprenorphine, do any of you suffer from chronic constipation and if so what do they find most helpfull?
I don't know what causes my issues. It could well be adhesions causing a partial blockage. I do have abdominal adhesions.
It's not necessarily the Buprenorphine causing my constipation. I have had it on and off for many years.
I will see a medic soon. I have CFS/ME and getting out us tricky. However a visit to either the surgery or hospital will happen soon.
Sorry about the length of this.
I have taken Fybergel which worked once. Anyone any ideas? I would be grateful to know what helps people.
Thank you
Jane 😊