Would appreciate guidance about how and when to take iron and magnesium supplements. I take Gabapentin every night and want to ensure that I don’t do anything to interfere with its effectiveness. Any suggestions about optimal dosages for the iron and magnesium would also be helpful. Thank you.
Iron & Magnesium: Would appreciate... - Restless Legs Syn...
Iron & Magnesium

Take magnesium at least 3 hours before gabapentin and 2 hours apart from iron. Take your iron tables with 100 mg of vitamin C or some orange juice since that helps its absorption. Take it every other day preferably at night at least 1 hour before a meal or coffee and at least 2 hours after a meal or coffee since iron is absorbed better on an empty stomach. When your ferritin becomes between 75 and 100 or if your transferrin saturation was below 20, you may need an iron infusion since iron isn't absorbed as well above 75. Don't take tumeric as it can interfere with the absorption of iron. It takes several months for the iron tablets or iron infusion to slowly raise your ferritin. Ask for a new blood test after after 3 months since you are taking iron tablets or 8 weeks if you have an iron infusion.
Further to Sue's post about iron and the timing of taking both supplements: not everyone responds to Magnesium (I do, but my brother doesn't).
If you take it I recommend Magnesium Citrate which is more easily absorbed than most other types. I take 200mg now twice a day (used to be three times a day): for me it was very effective within days. Follow Sue's advice on timing. Beware that some can't tolerate oral Mg: can cause diarrhoea.
Some people have some success with a magnesium oil spray directly on the legs: didn't work for me.
Some also try a couple of cups of epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) in the bath every day and soaking for say 20 minutes: I've not tried (partly because we only have a shower nowadays!)
I appreciate the recommendation re: magnesium citrate. I have to be careful how much I take for the reason you mention. I’m not sure I can take enough for it to help, but figure it’s worth a try.
Chris - Interesting that you and your brother respond differently to Magnesium. The same is true for me and my younger brother. Magnesium helps him but makes my RLS symptoms worse. Similarly, Vitamin D helps him but not me, again it actually makes my symptoms worse. Caffeine helps me but hurts him. However, both of us benefit from opiates.
Have you noticed other aspects of this dichotomy between you and your brother?
At one time I was put on magnesium citrate & my doctor said take double the dose.
For six months I had no RLS but after that my legs broke through again so I have given up on magnesium.
But perhaps I should take magnesium again?
For me, Magnesium gets 'overwhelmed' by particularly bad RLS triggers - such as in my case Atorvastatin or too much Aspartame. When I cut out these things, Mg controls my incipient RLS again.
I didn’t realize atorvastatin aggravates RLS I’m on 10 mg
Statins are common RLS triggers, with Atorvastatin being the worst - but not all are affected
HI, I know that iron metabolism can be involved. You shouldn't take much iron without verifying that you need it. Too much iron is dangerous. I had tests and in my case iron is not the issue. I take 1800 mg Gabapentin at bedtime and it helps a LOT, but not entirely, but I don't want to keep raising dose (however once I went on trip and forgot Gapapentin and was in agony all night every night, walking and stretching 6-8 hours straight). On bad nights I rub lower legs with Epsum gel (contains magnesium) and wrap with Ace bandages, tightly over upper calf muscle, not too tight to stop circulation to feet. On REALLY bad nights I use an electronic leg massage thing--sleeves that fit over calves, pump up and down. They sell them on Amazon for diabetics. I think it provides "competing sensation" -- and is also rather soothing. Hope this helps! Hard to explain to non-sufferers how unpleasant/almost painful it is and effects of not sleeping. Oh yes, I would like to take CalMag which helps many, but have IBS-D and any form of mag taken orally makes diarrhea even worse. Opiates work but very hard to get them for this purpose in current climate. Sigh. So much fun to be aging in a body.
I take magnesium just before bed. As for iron, I rely on eating a good diet that keeps my systemic inflammation low. I have eliminated my RLS by avoiding inflammatory foods like bread and other processed foods.