Please give me some guidance here? I am desperate! - as already mentioned in my previous posts, I went to a private GP out of desperation and she took the below blood readings. She said I was severely anaemic and needed a infusion of iron, she wrote to my GP. - see the results below:
My GP has totally rejected her claim that I am severely anaemic and says I am not at all and there is no haemoglobin result so she cant say that. He said my last blood test last November (10m ago) was fine and my haemoglobin was 13.7 which is normal. I have always had high feritin so nothing new and wont refer me to Haematology saying they would reject the referral. (he just puts all my symptoms which correlate with low iron - down to fybro and chronic fatigue) which is so frustrating( & lazy). He says not enough is known about those conditions so no treatment - sorry.! - I feel let down and totally confused as not medically minded. (dont want anymore medication as I can't cope with the side effects). I do want to push for the iron infusion if you guys think it would help?
I am now stuck in the middle and don't know what to say to the private Dr. She said in her letter to the GP that the test was limited due to funds - should there have definitely been a test on haemoglobin or do you think the results that are there are enough? .... was hoping for some advice on what to say to the private GP before I call here please?
Also, can I ask does augmentation ever go? I have reduced from 180mg of Gabapentin to 25mg slowly and have been on 25mg now for two weeks and wondered when I could stop it totally - feeling much better without it! - also have cut my rotigotine patch in half now for the last two weeks..... not such a confused zombie now and my RLS isn't any worse yet! - but still definitely there all the time as are the other symptoms of augmentation.
Many thanks for your time and knowledge - pls look at the following results
HCT 0.415 0.33 - 0.45
MCHC (g/L) 342 g/L 300 - 350
Active B12 62 pmol/L 25.1 - 165.0
IRON * 5.4 umol/L 6.6 - 26.0
T.I.B.C 58 umol/L 41 - 77
FERRITIN * 298 ug/L 13 - 150
Optimum Ferritin level for females : >27 ug/L
Red cell folate 650 nmol/L 285.4 - 1474.7
<340 nmol/L is associated with folate deficiency.