The figures that are given for sufficient iron amounts never seem to tie up with the sorts of figures that I get from my blood tests. Can anyone tell me if I have sufficient iron for my RLS (currently taking 300mg of Pregabalin). Thank you so very very much. Sally
07-Oct-2022 TOT. IRON BIND CAPACITY - (Farah) - Normal - No action
Serum TIBC 55 umol/L 50.00 - 72.00umol/L
Transferrin saturation index 41 % 20.00 - 50.00%
Serum iron level 22.8 umol/L 14.00 - 30.00umol/L
07-Oct-2022 Serum ferritin - (Farah) - Normal - No action
Serum ferritin 128 ug/L 13.00 - 150.00ug/L