Does restless legs syndrome cause hig... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Does restless legs syndrome cause high blood pressure

janland profile image
33 Replies

I have had restless legs syndrome for several years now... perhaps 10 years or more... sometimes intermittent but it never goes away.

Just lately.. I've had extremely high blood was prescribed Amlodipine...5 pm

I think these tablets cause restless legs syndrome to be worse..

In fact its a vicious circle...the more I don't have proper sleep...the worse the legs are at night..

I've tried taking extra iron tablets 400 g per day...but they upset my stomach..

I'm trying to take extra magnesium tablets.. not sure which ones are right for the condition..but 187 mg are my magnesium citrate and recommended dosage is 500-1000 for restless legs..

Folic acid and b vitamins are good too I believe..

Does anyone out there have similar problems with the restless legs and blood pressure connection..?

I'm in-between a rock and a hard place..

Would soooo appreciate some help and advice.

Thank you.


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janland profile image
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33 Replies

Sad to hesr about the high blood pressure, (BP). I'm not sure that RLS directly causes high blood pressure, but some of the consequences of RLS can be in factor in high BP. There is evidence of a definite connection between the two.

Sorry, it appears you''re right, amlodopine can make RLS worse.

You'll have to discuss this with your doctor, there are aslternatives but maybe not so effective. It is a matter of priority, high BP may have more immediate serious consequences than RLS, but it is, as you say, a vicious circle.

I think you may have mis-stated the dose of iron 400g is nearly a pound lb, this may be equivalent to eating a kettle every day.

If the iron is causing you gut problems, then it's better to take "gentle iron", this is widely available. It's also better to take it every other day, this may help you to absorb it better, but it will cause less gut problems.

Drinking a glass of orange (or taking a vit C tablet) at the same time, also helps it be absorbed better.

Yep! Vitamin B especially B12 is good and vit D. Celery juice is also good.

You may also look at what other medications you're takinjg that might make your RLS worse.

I hope you've not just been given tablets for your high BP. Hopefullk you've also received advice about diet, exercise and stress.

janland profile image
janland in reply to

Hello Minerva...

Yes... sorry..

Iron 400 mg that should have read..

No not been given any advice re high blood pressure...

I requested a doctor's appointment... recently as tablets not suiting me...

I've not had a doctor phone call yet... after 5 weeks on the bp tablets..

They were prescribed over the phone as well... initially..

Hopefully 400 mg of iron is enough..?

I'm going to try again tomorrow to make doctor appointment...but I think they are too busy..

Thank you for all your help..


in reply tojanland

I read that are lot of people are not going to the doctor because they believe they are busy. The message is, if you feel you need to go, then go.

I just take gentle iron, from Morrisons, I don't really look at the dose. My view is that it's not how much you take that matters, but how much you absorb.

It's like drinking lots of water, the more you drink, the more you wee, most of what goes in, comes out again!

400mg still sounds a lot. At least I can relax not imagining you trying to swallow a big lump of iron :-)

janland profile image
janland in reply to

Oh.. gentle iron from Morrisons...? I wonder if it would be strong enough..?

I'll check it out anyway..

My stomach is constantly churning with the amount of iron I take... ferrous sulphate...400 mg..

Thank you


Accipiter profile image

I don’t have an issue, but as part of my stage of extensive research on RLS it was mentioned in a few papers and websites as being a problem. Part of this was related to the mortality rate for RLS which in one study was somewhere between heart disease and cancer, as a mechanism.

The high BP for RLS paper was another one of those dreadful papers I rant about endlessly. It was thought that the symptoms create high BP due to muscle activation and the accumulation over time has bad outcomes. Also if you use compression wraps or socks for symptoms there has been a suggestion that these elevate BP. The only paper I could find was that compression was tested for some condition I can’t remember, to reverse low BP and it worked.

I have tested wraps in numerous areas and tightness, and it had no impact of my BP of around 107 when resting and meditating; which is a good representation of sleeping. Also if you test for yourself during symptoms there is no movement or engaging of muscles. Also as with most RLS symptoms, apart from the persistent aches I get at times, there is no way your muscles can produce most RLS symptoms as physical sensations.

So there is no physical mechanism for high BP from RLS, but there could be a psychological one due to the stress of not sleeping and worrying about how to deal with RLS, as well as the physiological effects of sleep deprivation.

I couldn't find papers to prove this, but when you are sleep deprived you can feel an extra 'buzz' in want of a better word, which is elevated glutamate. After some good sleep this is noticeably absent. The elevated glutamate may contribute to high BP, which is suggested in some papers.

janland profile image
janland in reply toAccipiter

Hello... that's very interesting that extra glutamate could make matters worse for bp..

I think its the lack of sleep and anxiety causing the high BP...caused by restless legs..

The medication for bp I've been given exastibates restless legs...a vicious circle..

I'll try getting a doctor's appointment...but I'll be lucky if I even get a phone appointment with a nurse ..

I'll try again tomorrow..

Thanking you


silkyreg profile image

No, RLS doesn't cause high blood pressure. I suffer of RLS for a decade and always have a perfect blood pressure of 120/80

Mum007 profile image

Try gentle iron from Holland and Barrett or Spatone liquid iron sachets (comes in a box) from chemists supermarkets and amazon.

Amelanchier profile image

Hi Jan,

I had to stop the magnesium citrate for RLS because it caused a massive spike in my blood pressure.

It might not be the cause of yours but if the raised blood pressure started after you commenced taking them it s worth considering .

Hope you soon get some relief,


janland profile image
janland in reply toAmelanchier

Hi Christine.. thank you so much for your reply..

It's very interesting..

The magnesium it seems is what helps me most at night to stop the legs moving like electric shocks...

These movements either wake me up or stop me getting to sleep..

I've not heard of this connection before re raised blood pressure and magnesium..?

I wonder..?

I can't actually say for sure which came first the bp or magnesium..

So I'll have to experiment..

I'm currently thinking though that the bp tablets are making rls I cut them in half..

This has helped a bit...

I wish I knew...

Thank you again.

Best wishes


captkirk profile image

I only take no more than 3 magnesium citrate a day. You don’t want to take anymore that that or you’ll be on the toilet most the day. Or take 2 magnesium citrate 2 times a day and a calcium/magnesium 333/167. I find the Webber Natural brand the best. Take it at night before you go to bed the calcium should help you relax and you make get a better sleep. Hope this helps, good luck.

janland profile image
janland in reply tocaptkirk

Thank you so much for this information..

I have made a note of it .

Yes.. with the iron tablets as tends to cause loose stomach...

Best wishes


Eryl profile image

As others have said, high blood pressure doesn't cause rls. The truth is that both are caused by the same thing, high carb diets, especially high sugar diets.

janland profile image
janland in reply toEryl

Hello... thank you for reply.

I'm not a lover of too many carbs...I'm 8.5 stone and 5 ft 2 inches...I do love porrige and few potato s...but not every day..

My weakness is fruit cake...but only occasionally...I'm quite food conscious and stick to"no junk food" in the main..

It's difficult...but trying my hardest to get rid of rls...

Thank you


Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply tojanland

I eat porridge and potatoes, but they have little effect on me, I think because they are complex carbs, which take time to break down into sugars. In fruit cake you've got pure fructose in the fruit, you put pure sucrose (glucose+fructose) in the batter, and you've got refined wheat which is easilly broken down, so you've got a perfect storm of carbs.

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply toEryl

Not for me , my diet is quite healthy, low in sugar , fresh vegetables and whole foods.....but still have RLS and high blood pressure, how I wish I knew why....

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply tofunnyfennel

It might indicate that you're not identifying your sources of carbs accurately. You say "low on sugar" but what does that mean? For a healthy diet you should be avoiding all sugar. Magnesium can help to reduce high blood pressure if you've already cut out all sugar, but large doses and a fibre rich diet can cause very soft stools.

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply toEryl

I am sure you mean well, but please dont launch into advising me when you have no idea about my knowledge of diet and nutrition. Examples of how you cope are of interest, otherwise it is a bit undermining.

janland profile image
janland in reply tofunnyfennel seems to be a vicious circle..

I really don't know why I have high blood pressure..

I also eat healthily..

I think lack of sleep can cause high blood pressure..

Stress can make restless legs I try to meditate few times a week and do yoga for stretching exercises..

I also might try CBD oil as I've read its good for the nerves...

I'm taking enough iron as blood tests usually rule out lots of things.

I now leave out all caffeine... have more water... take protein before bedtime.. such as cheese and biscuits or bowl of porridge..

Gotu kola is for bp and astragalus but not tried those yet..

Mabe more trace elements or electrolytes are good for restless legs... might be worth looking into.

funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply tojanland

Hi again. I am loathe to give up my one cup of real coffee in the morning...but may try decaf ! Did get the CBD oil then found it hard to swallow its so bitter ! Used magnesium spray, or in the may choices and yes it is just worse at the moment and lack of sleep, although I do accept it and have time to rest in the day a bit (until the RLS strikes) does make it hard to control emotions and saps ones energy. Enough for now. Relaxing telly for me.

Duckish profile image

Have you ever tried magnesium? It has worked like a charm for my RLS! Try different types of the magnesium because it may take a while to find the correct magnesium your short on. There are different types (I did not know that).

janland profile image
janland in reply toDuckish

Hello.. thank you for your reply.

Yes..I seem to be " eating" magnesium tablets at the moment...I'm not sure the safe it up to 800 mg per day..

It does seem to help..

As I'm waking nearly every single night with jerky legs...I reach for magnesium tablets... and the iron ones and the magnesium gel...

I'm beginning to think I don't drink enough water too..

Bananas help somewhat before bedtime..

Its all so random and a juggling act..

I do also believe blood pressure tablets could make things worse.. also thyroid tablets both of which I'm taking..

Best wishes


Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply toDuckish

There is only one type of magnesium, a metal, so we eat compounds of magnesium. The other elements which make up the compounds give it properties which the body can process to get at the magnesium.

janland profile image
janland in reply toEryl

Oh really..?

Interesting..such as citrate..I suppose..I'm not sure which "additive" is the best though.

Thank you for your knowledge.


I do not believe that is causes high blood pressure, but I read somewhere that lack of sleep can contribute to high blood pressure. I am living proof that RLS interferes with sleep. I do take amlodipine at night to control nocturnal high blood pressure. I have not found that it makes my RLS worse, but that is just me. I do hate that I can not drink grapefruit juice because of it though.

janland profile image
janland in reply to

Thank you for reply Jeroldin...I'm still suspicious that amlodipine makes my legs worse... which causes lack of sleep nearly every night which then causes blood pressure..

Can't win it seems...I take 2-3 magnesium tablets during the night...extra iron and magnesium gel to rub on legs...its never ending it seems.. trying to keep away from medications for it which can make things worse in the long run..

So wish there was an answer..

Yes and no grapefruit..

Best wishes


in reply tojanland

You might want to consider asking the physician who manages your hypertension (HTN), if there is an alternative you can try to a month and see. Most HTN medications that have been around awhile are inexpensive and have generics. Walmart offers $4.00 generics for many of the drugs. My local Publix Pharmacy (grocery store chain in the SE) actually give amlodipine free as part of their essentials medication programs. They even gave it to me for my cat who had HTN toward the end of her life. That way you can compare and see if it is the amlodipine which is aggravating your RLS.

janland profile image
janland in reply to

Hi yes..I tried to get a phone appointment with my doctor re re assessment of amlodipine which I now have been taking for couple months or so..

The surgery ignored my letter.. even though doctor said get in touch after two weeks to re asses..!!

Doctors are difficult to get advice from now because of the covid outbreak but here in Cornwall it's extremely low so not getting to a doctor is very frustrating.

A few years ago I had a dreadful allergy from a particular blood pressure tablet.... almost needed to call emergency it was sooo bad swelling face.. redness large spots etc... that was ten days into tablets.Since then I've been quite scared to take bp tablets... hence blood pressure went sky high.. in the end was given amlodipine... just before our lockdown ......but no doctors follow up.

So its DIY at present..I cut tablets in half.... for few days.... then in quarters ... just to see.....I have a good monitor at home...

Some days I take a half...some days a quarter.... seems to work.... and dare I say it..... restless legs not every single night as they were...but still taking magnesium...iron..folic acid.. vitamin D... every day.... having to take more iron tablets or more magnesium depending on severity..

Thank you


funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply tojanland

Which one were you allergic to Janlan ?

janland profile image
janland in reply tofunnyfennel

Hi..indapamide they were called... very bad allergic reaction after about 10 days... definitely had to stop... therefore was wary of taking any others until now...

Amlodipine seems to be ok but only taking half or quarter tablet each day..

I have been off amlodipine for about 3 weeks... just to see if it was making restless legs worse...but of course...I had the restless legs before amlodipine.....

Anyway.... this is calcium channel blocker I think...

and I was wondering if this could affect restless legs.

Doctor says I could go back on amlodipine on a 2.5 mg dose...but I'm still not sure...

In the meantime I'm taking hawthorn extract...and olive leaf capsules...(for bp). and at moment it's not too bad

Having blood test this week as doctor seems to think my calcium might be low...?

What this has to do with rls I don't know...

But a year ago I had to take vit D and calcium tablets as I was on steroids for a few months for something else... and during that restless legs...

Perhaps it was the dose of vit D that helped..?

Before I stopped the blood pressure tablets May... when I was taking legs were really bad...

But last few days..... touch wood...not too bad.

I've cut out morning caffeinated coffee .. perhaps that's helped... and always only have decaf tea in afternoon anyway...

Protein before bed... and for past 3 nights one codein tablet before bed..

Think this helps too . however don't like taking medication really... and am thinking of getting a "spiky mat" ..

Shakti mat...

So I'm still trying lots of things..

Hope you don't have bad restless legs..?

Hope I've answered your query.

Best wishes.


funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply tojanland

Thank you Janland....Strange about the steroids because we (RLS ) are usually intolerant to them...we are all different I think, but good to be able to share the pain and compare notes.

MumofSam profile image

I’ve had RLS my entire life (58 years and counting) and have always had a normal BP unless I’ve been ill etc. I think it’s more likely to be a medication or lifestyle issue rather than anything to do with RLS itself.

janland profile image
janland in reply toMumofSam

Thank you for reply..yes I'm always searching for answers...I just don't know why I have it...

Could be low iron...but not sure of cause.

Best wishes..


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