I have hypothyroidism. Some people have suggested that I may have RLS, I have a feeling of being touched/crawling/tickling feeling in my lower legs/ feet. I used to also have buzzing/vibrating in my feet but this seems to have stopped. Anyone think it sounds like restless legs syndrome?
Restless legs syndrome??: I have... - Restless Legs Syn...
Restless legs syndrome??

Hi the most important element for a RLS diagnosis is the urge to move. When you get the sensations you describe do you HAVE to move your legs? Do you have to get up and pace up and down to help relieve it? Is it worse in the evening and bedtime? X

You may find this link helpful in deciding whether you have RLS or not: rls-uk.org/diagnosis/
The interesting thing (and more than a little frustrating) is that RLS feels different to different people. For a friend of mine it is like ants crawling under his skin. for me it feel like millions of tiny little explosions that just make my legs boogie. I try not crossing them because it makes them worse. Talk to your Doc and let us know what your Doc says...
Being rather new to RLS, I am finding that it is different things to different people--crawling sensations, points of pain, urge to move, spontaneous movement, from slight to thrashing. Cures seem rare but include vein surgery, magnesium, iron (infusion), gluten free/casein free diet, and a whole variety of supplements (taurine, l-theanine, etc etc). I am going down every path but taking my pramipexole every night till the "cure" arrives.
I have seen info recently re a connection between hypothyroidism and rls. Plan to do more research as I have both. My PCP/GP is a little cavalier re lab test results. As long as they are WNL (within normal limits) she doesn't worry which end of the spectrum the results are in. I know with ferritin levels we have had opposite opinions. Mine were low, she thought they were still 'normal' and fine, I disagreed so why not the same situation re thyroid lab results? Just a thought for me to investigate. ANYTHING that may help rls pain is worth researching.
When my RLS was the worst I had the "buzzing feet" as a daytime symptom. I was constantly trying to curl my toes upward. Also had it in my arms during the day and of course in my legs at night.