Hi I'm struggling with a strange illness at the moment.
I've posted before, sorry if I repeat myself!
I just wondered if people experience 'flares' of rls?
I seem to be having it in two ways; I do too much, muscles are strained, they ache and get very painful and as they recover the rls sets in.
Or, the tingling crawling feelings start in my spine, chest and hip bones and slowly build to affect while body.
In both scenarios all I can do is stretch stretch stretch and move but mainly contort as much as I can. Sometimes it's been too much and I'm then left with more aches.
I'm hypothyroid, took sertraline to help recover from a dip when my son was 8 months but over the year it appears to have both lowered the amount of thyroxine I absorb as well as caused major rls. I think this is because I lost muscle, especially proximal muscles, then started getting nerve issues when muscles tried to mend. Following a raise in thyroxine I regained muscles in my arms and chest but the rls got a lot worse. Ferritin was 57. Awaiting b12 and folate. Currently weaning off sertraline to see if it helps; not much luck so far! About to go down to 12mg.
So, do you find it flares?
And what is the route to diagnosis?
If things don't calm I'm possibly being referred to neurology.
I'm off work with chronic fatigue and pain.