Hi everyone,
I'm new here. I was hoping someone can give me some advice. I recently weaned myself off anti-depressants, 3 of them, but now I'm having horrible, horrible rls. I have had it for years, but never had it been so severe! So I went to see my GP, telling her I can't sleep at night, my rls is so bad. She wanted me to try going back on Elavil, one of the anti-depressants I weaned myself off of. I've been afraid to take it because I heard all over the internet that elavil makes rls worse. I saw another doctor yesterday, for second opinion, and he also wants me to try Elavil and gave me sleeping pills. Yesterday, I decided to try both and it felt as though the rls was worse than the day before. I don't know what to do! Should I just give Elavil a chance? Both doctors KNOW that my main complaint is rls, so should I just trust them despite what the internet says?
Thanks for taking the time to read, it means a lot to me.