Hello all,well nearly a week gone by and have not had one smelly cig,even had a drink or two yesterday and was a good girl,my friend asked me if I would like a cig and I said yes I would like one but I'm not going to have one!!!
Day 6: Hello all,well nearly a week gone by and... - Quit Support
Day 6

Well done Elissa - certainly a different way of saying NO thank you - I like it and will remember it.
Today is my 7th day of not having a fix so you're not far behind me and like you get the odd craving (wanting one is a better way to put it) but trying to stay strong.
Sure you will get there soon.
Best wishes,
Thank you buttons,I am taking one day at a time and sometimes it gets unbelievably hard but like you I am going to do this.well done on your 7th day,keep walking your doggies,I take my Labrador fora walk and cause she is a handful it takes my mind off the smelly cigs.xx

Good afternoon Elissa
Thats just ace gal, love it like Buttons has said, its a different way to say no
give yourself a big pat on your back, and be proud of yourself
cos I tell you am proud of ya
and well done to getting to very nearly a week on your quit trail
You keep it up and you will be an EX smoker sooner than you think any probs, come on here and shout eh !!!!
Speak soon

Hi Elissa, sorry to bother you again, but if you look down at the bottom of the questions, you will see Emjay's wall of winners if you leave her your quit date, then when she comes back off her jolls, she can add you to it
Well done. It does get easier. It's still hard work but it does get easier. Tomorrow I will have done 6 weeks. That probably seems like a lifetime to you right now but I have been a rock solid, hard core smoker for 44 years and I have managed it this time. I am now a non smoker and my wonderful new friends on this site have helped me beyond measure to achieve this.
Keep it up.
Thank you to you all for your encouragement.xx