Tomorrow is D day : Ok so tonight is my last... - Quit Support

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Tomorrow is D day

Oxopinkyblue profile image
Oxopinkyblue5 MONTH WINNER
19 Replies

Ok so tonight is my last night of smoking I had given up back in April and was doing great until my mum passed away suddenly and started again !!! So I have one cig left and I'm going to have that last cig before the year 2015 wish me luck

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Oxopinkyblue profile image
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19 Replies

Well done, you have come to the best people on this site for support, I'm 7 weeks quit and couldn't have done it without this guy's, just keep logging on here especially when the cravings start and we will be here for you xx

Oxopinkyblue profile image
Oxopinkyblue5 MONTH WINNER in reply to

Thanks for your reply I'm getting a little ritual set up cup of tea (have work in the morning so no nye celebrations ) and the last cig xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Oxo its lovely to meet you :) and a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support site :)

My names Pete, I'm sort of part of the furniture on here :D :D Please feel free to come and have a chat and if you need any help at all, no matter how trivia, please just ask :)

So, D days the 1st January 2015 then :) thats a great day to start your quit on and I'm sure plenty of others will be doing the same :)

May I ask if your going to use any form of NRT to help you ? or are you going it cold turkey :o

Oxo, I wish you all the luck in the world for tomorrow and for the rest of your quit journey :)

A Happy New Year to you toooooooo :D

Oxopinkyblue profile image
Oxopinkyblue5 MONTH WINNER

Hi pete nice to meet you too I'm going cold turkey !!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Oxopinkyblue

Oxo I take my hat off to you for going it cold turkey, cos I know I could never have done it that way :o

If you have a look to your right of this page, you will see TOPICS, go down to '' hints & tips '' you may find something useful there :)

On this community, we have all smoked and quit or are in the stages of quitting, sooooo, we all know how hard it is ourselves :o and we all have our little helps to get through, so please stay with us and we will help you all the way if we can :)

shantimar profile image

Nice to meet you oxo :-)

Happy new year when it comes and all the best for your quit :-)

There's always someone here if you need support, a moan or a chat :-)


yellowsnowdrop profile image

Good Luck, you absolutely CAN do this.You might need to change your routine for a while but believe me it's worth it.If I can do it then so can you.Stay strong.Hugs H

Danslatete profile image

Oxopinkyblue, soory you had a hard time, but I'm with you on a new year stopping day!

I'll be there with you in spirit :)

Oxopinkyblue profile image
Oxopinkyblue5 MONTH WINNER in reply to Danslatete

I've done had my last cig in 2014 onwards to my smoke free life bring it on thanks for replying x

orfordholly profile image
orfordholly2 YEAR WINNER

Hi Ox welcome to quit support. And happy new year to you as well. All the best for 2015. So glad you are going to quit the cigs. Best thing you can do for yourself. We all nice on here so when you need help just come on here and we will try to help in anywhere. :D xx

Hi oxo, you are now officially a non smoker, Yay, now enjoy it, breath in that fresh air tomorrow, keep busy, come on here if u get the jitters and read as many quit stories as you can and talk to us about any side effects or feelings, this worked for me and still does, good luck and we'll done, you can do this!!! Keep strong xx

Oxopinkyblue profile image
Oxopinkyblue5 MONTH WINNER in reply to

Thank you Hun I'm sure u will be hearing a lot from me happy new year xx

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to Oxopinkyblue

Wishing you lots of strength, and knowing that doing this you will be doing the best thing ever for you, your health, and your purse. Stay strong and come on here for support.

All the very best for a smoke free 2015!


glolin profile image

Hi oxo and a big welcome to quit support. All the very best on your quit journey :) keeping coming online as this will truly help you immensely. Read the information under topics that is available to you as it just arms you with knowledge on what to expect as part of the quitting process :) :)

Good on you for quitting cold turkey, that is how i quit too :)

There are lots of awesome people here who will support you when ever you need it and many of us would not have been quite so successful without the support of the fantastic members :) :)

Again- All the very best of luck for 2015 being your year to shine as a non smoker :) :)

LilyMay73 profile image

Hi Oxo, happy new year to you :)

Congratulations on your quit! You've done it before so you know the drill but hopefully everyone on here will help make it a teeny bit easier :)

Here's to a smoke free year!!!

after31years profile image
after31years17 Month Winner

Hi Oxo. Congratulations on your cold turkey quit. I've done it that way too. Stick to your guns and if you need to post on here. This site has been a huge support to me. Everyone is so positive. Huge luck and sending you lots of good healthy vibes.

Oxopinkyblue profile image
Oxopinkyblue5 MONTH WINNER

Ok so day one nearly over and I have made it smoke free feel great and inspired going to save the money I would had spent on cigs for my little boy

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Oxopinkyblue

Way hay Oxo thats fab news :) and yes, you will have soon saved enough money to buy your little chap a niece pressie :) :)

try to stay focused and positive on your quit and you wont go far wrong :) :) Just be aware though that mr nic is soo devious and can strike at any time :o

Take care Oxo :)

shantimar profile image

Well done you, just think about all the things you can get your little boy.

Be strong and think positive you'll beat Mr Nic good and proper


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