Day 6,..: Hiya folks, Guess everyone is out... - Quit Support

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Day 6,..

5 Replies

Hiya folks,

Guess everyone is out n about, it's quiet-ish here just now. Out rolling Easter Eggs maybe? Well, it's better than rolling ciggies!

How I've got to day six is a bit of a mystery to me... but it feels good.

I had puffs on my E-cigarette yesterday evening.

Now, I'm not knocking them in anyway, but, it felt a bit weird for me. They certainly helped the craving, which was a relief. Though, what made me feel uncomfortable - was the action of inhaling.

That's the part I'm missing so very much - I know it sounds very crazy, but the feeling of inhaling smoke into my lungs is a big part of my withdrawal symptoms.

The E-ciggie is a good substitute for that, and that's what's bothering me. Shouldn't I be NOT be doing that anymore. - inhaling anything I mean? Surely, that's a big part of smoking that we should be forgetting?

Ah well, if anyone has any answers, please post them. Meanwhile, I'll go easy on the E-ciggie. And only use it if the craving is really bad.

Otherwise, not too bad at all so far. Had to come off the Patches tho', as the itching was driving me spare. I have Red squares dotted about my skin... looks like a Draughts Board. Wouldn't have minded though, if they didn't itch!

I hope every one else is doing okay, especially as it's a Holiday weekend. Just go steady, and hope we get another smoke free day... together!

Bye for now,

Gill, xx

5 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Gill :)

Day 6 thats just great gal, it is :) :) erm I'm sorry but I dont know much about the e-cigs :o but patches i do :) Yes they do leave red itchy marks on your skin, but only for a short while, cos I think your body gets used to them, and it gets easier :)

I found the 16 hour invisible patches the best, they seem to be softer and stick better than the others :)

Stick with it Gill, your doing just brill gal :) speak soon.

Pete :)

jpars profile image

A stop smoking adviser recommended I don't use the inhalator as a chosen stop method in order to break the hand to mouth and inhaling action.

However I have a friend who is 2 months into a successful stop using one and I have a few puffs from time to time. I don't like the taste of the e cig I bought, though. I'm using losenges. :)

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER

Hi Gilly. First of all, well done for getting so far.

I just wanted to say that I'm using an e-cig because I knew it would be the most likely thing to help me stop because it does give me the same feeling of a cigarette. I had worked out that it was the feeling of smoking I am addicted to because the only time I have successfully given up smoking tabacco was when I tried herbal cigarettes and used them for 6 months some years ago. The problem was that although I wasn't smoking tabacco I was still smoking. I have realised that I probably don't need the nicotine so am going to wean myself off of that first, as has been suggested by some people here on the site, and then I'll try to wean myself off of the e-cig but I'm not putting pressure on myself.

I've been using the e-cig for nearly 12 weeks now and am finding that the cartimizors(contains the liquid) last longer now. On average, for me, about 2 days. It was 1 day to begin with. A work colleague only uses one a week, so it really does vary. I tried patches once but just made myself I'll because I had no willpower and continued smoking as well as wearing a patch. I had nicotine overload. I'm confident that in time, the e-cig, for me will become something I use less frequently because that is what is already happening but if I always need it to some degree, I'm okay with that.


Thanks everyone. All comments and help much appreciated, xx

nixy profile image
nixy27 Months Winner

Champix for me. Felt I had to get right away from the habits associated with smoking, hand to mouth ect., So champix is working for me I think, but I have changed one habit to another. Can't stop eating.............

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