I DO SO WISH ....: I'm not a member of facebook... - Quit Support

Quit Support

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8 Replies

I'm not a member of facebook or any site like that but I joined this site today because I really do need to quit for good!

It's Saturday evening and just after 6.30 pm and tomorrow is the big day for me as it is the day that I am quitting and to say that I am scared is perhaps the understatement of this year. I am quite literally petrified as when I said earlier today (see my question and all the lovely answers) that tomorrow was IT it did seem a long way off and the nearer it gets to tomorrow the more scared I am.

I can still remember (yes I know it's a long time ago (actually it's 44 years but who, besides me, is counting) but sometimes when you're older the way back memories are clearer than things that happened yesterday) and going to school and smoking just so that I could say I had friends. I can even remember the first time I inhaled cigarette smoke properly and wish with all my heart that I had never done so.

You may find that you can't answer my blog tomorrow as it will be permanently busy with me adding to it all day (and perhaps all night maybe) just to keep my hands/fingers busy. The only time I won't be doing that is when I walk my dogs morning and afternoon and even if it snows (which they say it will tonight), they still go for their walk.

Could write a lot more but don't want to bore anyone too much so here's hoping that tomorrow is a good day and that I can get through it!!!!

Here are my two and yes, even though they are now older they are still as cute (well I think they are anyway!) they don't do wallpapering stripping any more as they decided not to be painters and decorators when they grew up!!.

8 Replies

Many thanks for the kind words and support - really appreciate it. My two are second only to my other half (although I must admit there are times when I could do without him). Very lucky as these two, unlike our previous 2 lots of 2, are not related and even come from different parts of the UK but adore each other (well most of the time). Will focus on them tomorrow and as they love snow and we are due some may walk them further than normal so that will be 3 of us k*******d for the day!! Oh well, there are some worse off than me and will try to stay focused but will let you all know how it goes.

sue52 profile image

your little friends are lovely buttons, i would have liked a dog but couldn't get one cause of my daughters asthma, hence i always smoked in the garden, that's one thing i don't miss

You can do this, like mad said take it one day at a time, and come on here, you'll get a laugh as well, we're all here for you and will help you all we can :)

buddyboo profile image

good luck Buttons, we're all here with you, as madimad said above 'take it one day at a time', that's what I'm doing and it's much less scary and so far Ive managed 5weeks tomorrow!!! when the urge gets really bad jump on to this site and type and rant away...thats what we're all here for; to help you through the tough times. x chat soon x

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Hi Buttons, dogs are just great aren't they :-) I have 3 nutty boarder collies, Alfie, Harry and Bella Bella! Bella is the baby, and the bossiest of the three!! You must also meet John's friends... They're so lovely... :-)

For me, the hardest thing about giving up, was actually doing it... Nearing week three since I last smoked, and after 25 years since that first puff on the school bus!! I'm pretty proud of myself :-) :-)

And like Madimad says, if you fail, well just keep on trying...

And talk to us :-) :-)

Suzzie Suze xxxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi buttons. I am jilly girl, 63yrs old 64 in 2 weeks time. I will have quit for 1 year on the 5th april. I couldnt have done it without everyone on quit support. Yes I smoke from being 17yrs old thought it was good at the time. Oh boy I found out the hard way. I used a inhalator to help me quit. also coming on to this site and havinga moan and groan and a really good laugh. Dont think you are boring any of us as we are all here for each other. If you look on the blogs 1st March called thank you quit support ,you will see my story.

Good luck with tomorrow and if you panic and get a craving shout out someone will answer you. Emjay will be in touch to advise you. xxxxx

thenunn profile image

Hi Buttons :) Good luck for tomorrow..try not to be petrified,i know easier said than done ..but if you can ,let it go,just aim for not smoking when you get up and then for the next hour and so on. One of the most useful things i have read is ..The ONLY reason I wanted one was because I had the one before and having the next one will ensure Ill want the next one and the next ect...that really made sense to me. Some people find it easy,they stop(as tommy cooper would say 'just like that') others stagger,a battle,but they come through,others slip fall and get back up , fall,slip and get back up..it doesnt matter ..the goal is the same to get rid of Nic..you dont want him,he hurting you,its time to let him go..sending you all my positive fighting thoughts :) do what you have to do to get through ..big cyber hugs xx jan

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Buttons, love the hamsters, errrrm dogs, sorryyyyyy gal, Jillygirls got my specks :o :D :D

Well I think the gals have said the rest, and loads of good support :) :) like i said before, you come a shouting on here gal when you need too :)

I'm on my erm erm 2nd attempt to quit so i know how hard it is, but like Mad has said, a lot is in the mind :o you just have a good nights sleep, and when you wake up in the morning, jump out of bed, do some press ups and sit ups and you will be ready for anything :D :D

Have confidence in yourself :) :) Pete :) xx

magpie363 profile image
magpie36320 Months Winner

Good luck Buttons wishing you well for tomorrow. like everyone here has said, come on here lots and get some really good advice and a laugh. This is a great site with great folks and loads of understanding. I honstly dont think I would have done it if I hadn't found this site. You might be pleasantly surprised tomorrow and it might not be as horrific as you think.

Linda xxxx

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