Stop day 6th November: Hi everybody I've... - Quit Support

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Stop day 6th November

happyhammer profile image
happyhammer25 Months Winner
11 Replies

Hi everybody

I've smoked twenty a day for twenty years... Ive been taking Champex for 13 days now and tomorrow is my stop day, to say I'm scared of whats to come is an understatment ! but having watched my best friend die of lung cancer its time to kick the vile habit, if anybody can offer helpful tips to help me along the way I'd be greatful... Thanks ..

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happyhammer profile image
25 Months Winner
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11 Replies
andi22 profile image

Hiya happyhammer and welcome aboard.

The best tip I can give you is to join us here on our daily chat and rant and rave your way through the quit - you're not on your own. :)

Andi :)

sue52 profile image

Hi happyhammer.

I'd smoked for 35 years , 20 a day, i' on 4 weeks stopped now :)

One thing you could do is give yourself small goals, eg. staying stopped for one day, it might seem less daunting than thinking away into the future

I'm sure Emjay or Jarvo, that's our advisors, will come on and give you loads of help, maybe read through the blogs, if you've not already done that, that could help you as well

It's about finding what works for you, i agree with Andi, come on the daily chat it's brilliant, we will help you every step of the way, through the good and the bad days :)

you can do this, you are strong enough :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hi happyhammer

I totally agree with you, just the thought of giving up is daunting. Smoking has become your friend, in your life everyday for in your case, 20 years then the thought of it not being there is a scary thought. What will you do when you are stressed or under pressure.

I felt exactly the same, I really did feel scared about how I would manage without my trusted friend.

You really can do it happyhammer. Smoking is not your crutch it's not your friend, you are it's slave. I gave up for Stoptober and I really didn't think I could do it but I have. EmJay and Jarvo will give you expert advice you can find breathing exercises for when you get cravings or you need to calm down.

I look at people now who smoke and think that I am so glad that I am not in it's power any more, not waiting for a meeting to finish so I can get outside or waiting for the interval at the cinema or theatre, it is freedom from cigarettes and it's a fantastic feeling.

As both Andi and Sue have said, please come and join us on our daily chats. The people here are all going through or have gone through what you are going through and we can help. I can honestly say if it wasn't for everyone on here, I don't think I could have done it, that's how important this site is. Everyone is so friendly, welcoming and caring and it's not just words they really do care.

You can do it, and we are all here for you, so good luck tomorrow and let us know how you are going on xx

Hi, for me the thought of stopping and the planning a day was worse than giving up itself. So stick to it tomorrow and get that first day over with. After that I think it gets a bit easier every day.

Prob day 3 and 4 for me when I got home from work if I had a cigarette in the house I think I would have lapped it up! Luckily there wasn't one around so I would advise having nothing around to tempt you in a moment of weakness. Now I would resist as come this far and don't want to go back. Get some decent NRT to help out.

Best advice I think: a craving only lasts a few minutes and goes away whether you smoke or not, treat yourself at the end of each smoke free week ( my favourite) and you as you know you will give up at some point why not just get it over and done with and out of the way now. All from this site, which is excellent. Plus you can rant and rave on here if you like.

Also like the NHS smoke free iPhone app which keeps count of how many days hours minutes and seconds since you quit. I like looking at that every day and also can be a good motivator / reminder of how well you're doing in any moment of weakness.

Good luck for tomorrow. It will be fine.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi happyhammer,

Well done for getting this far you can do it.

I am 63 and stopped smoking 7 months ago. smoked at least 20 a day for the past 45 years so believe me If I can do it so can you, with the help of everyone on this site. :)

jarvo profile image
jarvo in reply to jillygirl

Good morning Jillygirl

Lovely to see you on here.

Speak soon 8-)

jarvo profile image

Good morning Happy Hammer 8-)

Welcome to Quit Support. I hope you find support your need on here, don’t forget if you have any questions put a post up. We have lots of lovely people on here who are willing to help you, as they’ve been on a similar journey to yourself. You can also private message Emjay or myself if you need anything in particular.

How are you feeling today? Keep positive and take each day at a time.

Try and complete the full 12 week course of Champix. Completing the full course along with support from your local service, G.P. and Quit Support will increase your chances of staying quit. You’re doing all the right things one of which is planning your quit date and sticking with it. Well done.

You mentioned about feeling scared, why is that? Is there anything we can help with?

Take care, speak soon

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hi Happyhammer.

Just checking in to see how you are going with day 1? I hope you are ok and it hasn't been as scary as you thought it would be. Please drop by for a chat, Everyone would love to hear how you are doing and give you some support if you need it.

Speak soon, keep strong.

Kaz xx

EmJay profile image

Hi HappyHammer,

Welcome to our online stop smoking community. You've definitely come to the right place for help and support to stop smoking.

Since starting taking your Champix, have you found that the amount that you smoke has come right down or are you still smoking the same? Once you start taking Champix, it is recommended that you set a quit date between day 7-14. The sooner you stop, the better the Champix will work for you.

As long as you put a plan in place for dealing with cravings and recognise key triggers for your smoking, then you will have nothing to be worried about.

Champix works really well, as does other stop smoking therapies, however it is really important that you take credit for the efforts that you are putting into quitting.

Each morning that you do not smoke for will lead on to an afternoon, each smokefree afternoon that you have will help towards having a full smokefree day behind you.

Every day will become easier and the more cravings that you get over, the easier it will become.

Getting cravings is a positive sign of recovery.

Remember to stay positive and when you feel like you can't take any more, think about how smoking really does affect you. It has so much power, but only if you allow it!

The good news is, if you really want to - you can do it :D

happyhammer profile image
happyhammer25 Months Winner

Hi everybody

Just reached the 24 hr mark without a smoke, first time ive not smoked at work for a least 20 years ;-) feel ok, had a few tricky moments this afternoon but managed them ok, bloke at work asked me for a light at lunch, I just told him I didn't smoke.. thank you all for leaving comments last night, its nice to know were all in it together ..little worried about the amount of food I've put away today !!!

_john_ profile image

hi happyhammer

well done, that was the hardest part, trust me it gets easier, im on my 4th week, everynight i posted on face book ' 1st day completed smoke free, 2nd day etc, my goal was that every day, forget about the food for the 1st few weeks, eat as much as you want if it helps.

GOOD luck!

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