9 months...: 9 months ago i quit smoking... - Quit Support

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9 months...

shyer895 profile image
10 Replies

9 months ago i quit smoking menthols. I was up to a pack a day and it was ruining my budget and health. I quit cold turkey no help whatsoever. Im not having trouble with it this far down the road. Ive gained 30 pounds since then and im miserable....I also have severe panic and anxiety attacks. I feel like i sleep less now than i ever have before. Its still hard to drink coffee without my tobacco sometimes and im craving one soooo bad. Why all of the sudden is it this bad? I mean i understand that im probably over thinking it and thats why its worse than it really is like more mentally than physically...ugh i just want some advice before i go back to it. Im thinking slightly that maybe i just wasnt ready and now i think that if i start again i can just stop when im ready like i did before. I really dont believe that fully haha. I think if i go back to it i wont ever stop and im only 23...i smoked for 6 years. Even though there are certain things that are better like my breathing and not being smelly, there are also those feelings of lonleyness and cravings. All i know is ive been complaining so much and threatening my boyfriend and parents that im just gonna go get a pack and start again that ive lost my support system and now they're telling me to go get it over with. Im confused and lost and i just dont know what to do. Im so afraid of the judgement from other people and thats why i think i havent bought any which is good but bad because my nerves are getting worse because all i do it think about smoking all day everyday and its been like 2 weeks now and i cant get it outta my head!!! Heeeelllppp!!!!

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shyer895 profile image
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10 Replies
andi22 profile image

Hi Shyer and big, big Congratulations on getting to 9 months - that's the same as me, it's my 9 month anniversary today! :)

No, you can't go back to the smokes again now that you've got this far. Maybe it's time to start tackling the weight issue as that's where I am now. There's another community here called Couch to 5K which is about getting people off the couch and starting to run. It's brilliant and there's lots of people from the States on there too. Have a look on there for some inspiration. If you can try it, it will give you a new focus and maybe eventually you could join a local running club to increase the motivation. If you do try it, please make sure you don't try to do it too quickly.

Good luck and keep us posted to how you are dealing with this crisis. :)

Wonder profile image

You have done so well and should now be free, sounds like your physical dependency on nicotine is gone but still in your brain feel like you are missing smoking, you could try reading a book that helped me to get free from smoking in my mind, Allen Carrs Easyway to Stop Smoking.

Putting weight on does make all feel depressed, but as andi says exercise and especially exercise outside will help with your mood and also start to make you feel a sense of real achievement.

You are already walking taller now you are a non smoker, a fantastic thing to stop smoking, you just need to kill the craving monster in your head, and believe me once you understand that nothing has a hold on you and you are free, you won't miss the act of smoking.

Good luck and stay strong, get the trainers out and go for a run/walk, it's not a bad day today Xxx :)

Chickles profile image

Hi Shyer,

A very big well done to you on being smoke free for 9 months! You chose to alter your smoking habit by becoming smoke free and that is awesome! The fact that you too did it cold turkey is brilliant too! I couldn't have done it cold turkey!

When I get cravings, and I have been stopped 5 months, I just think that a little piddling white stick full of poisons is NOT going to rule my life!

Re your weight gain, start with gentle exercise, do some housework, 'Dance with your Dyson'...and what I did, was address my health in general. I have a healthy eating plan and although I have some health niggles, and the usual ailments from 'getting that bit older', I am in reasonable health.

Try breathing exercises, our wonderful advisor Emjay put them on the site. I am sure that she will be able to give you some top tips!

I meditate and this helps. One of our lovely members, Sinfree, put this on the site too...




These offered some brilliant tips and advice!

Stick with it, you have come so far! Spring is on the way, put a 'spring' in your step and go out for a walk. Admire the new growth of Snowdrops and Daffodils as their colours burst forth! Admire new life in the world, by being smoke free you have given yourself a new life, celebrate it!

Stay strong! This site is a brilliant place to sound off about your fears, as everyone is trying to accomplish the same goal, to be smoke free and healthy. The site is also a great place for wonderful support, and plus it can take your mind off the cravings!


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Shyer :)

A massive well done to you for getting to 9 months on your quit :) thats just brill gal. Please please stick with it, you've got this far, so this tells me that you really want to stay quit :) :)

A big welcome to this friendly quit support site, there's loads & loads of help on here gal :) and you can have a moan if you want tooooo as well :) :D we dont mind :o I think the gals have said the rest :( so hopefully speak soon :)

Pete :)

lanemorph profile image
lanemorph3 YEAR WINNER

Hi Shyer, i can relate to how you are feeling. I quit in September, no problem, but this past few weeks i just don't know. I too have gained weight. Last week i paid for 28 sessions of flabelos and i have eaten nothing but fruit during the day and meat and veg at tea time. After 2 weeks of this, i got weighed today and i am over 12 stone. I walk for an hour on a Sunday, but because of irregular work hours i can't do too much. To say i am depressed is an understatement however, i am going to persevere because i don't want to let myself down. I hope you too will stick it out because you have come so far to throw it all away.

Hi Shyer,

Sounds to me like you are suffering from depression. Perhaps it would be a good idea to see your doctor. You have done so well! WOW, 9 MONTHS!

I know weight gain is depressing in itself, but if you are depressed you will be low in energy and motivation and this could have caused your weight gain. A doctor can help you. Please seek medical advice before you light up.

I may be wrong, but I have suffered with depression myself and the GP helped me enormously.

God bless

Andrea. :)

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

The only advice I can give is pretty much the same as the others.

Go to see your doctor

You have done so well to get to 9 months and you really dont want to start again and undo all that hard work you have put in.

Is there some other problem that is bothering you that could be worrying you? When your stressed you do want a ciggy

Panic attacks are not good, Ive had them and got valium and they helped a lot,

Maybe it is something to do with stopping smoking?

Really you should just go and speak to your doctor/nurse or medical person who your comfortable with and take it from there

iris8 profile image

Wow! 1st, well done for getting on here and letting some of your truth out, keep doing it, take the power out of incessant thoughts. Sounds like your in the obsession, horrible place to be. Well done for not buying, I'm with you, behind that 1st smoke you don't know were it will stop as the craving gets it's way anda short term fix. And that's what it is, short term. We have got to want this with all our being and admit at depth, 'yeah I'm an addict', now what do I have to do? Your down the road 9 months, not so fresh to remember initial motivations-Addiction asks us to grow, give back-failing to do so brings us back to sq.1. Crazy game of Ludo if we don't continually grow. It's worth it, you are. Have you thought of NRT's before a pack of smokes? They'll be info online of local clinics. This period could be a real break through for you, Right Action. With you all the way! Best, iris

in reply to iris8

Wow Iris,

Well said!!!

You're words are my inspiration for ever!! Cause I will always be addicted and I will always have to watch out for Mr Nic...... He's cunning and baffling and wants me to smoke..... Thanks this morning 3:30am from Canada 🌎🌏🌍


Good morning Shyer☕️☕️☕️

9 months!!!!!! Whoa 👏🎉🎉

Sound like ol Mr Nic is starin you down...... Giving you reasons why you should light up........ Remember..... Addiction is powerful and cunning....... Not One Puff no matter what and keep this site close....

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