Daily Chat: Wednesday 23rd January 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Wednesday 23rd January 2013

EmJay profile image
42 Replies

Happy Wednesday Everybody :-)

Without wishing our lives away, it's half way through the week already, more than half way through the month which means February is fast approaching, February is a shorter month and so before we know it March will be here! Wowser. How super speedy is this year so far then?!

National No Smoking Day is only 7 weeks today and so I would encourage those of you who haven't set a quit date yet to maybe work towards this day - It's always the 2nd Wednesday in March, so this year it falls on 13th March :-)

I'll write up a blog about National No Smoking Day and we can maybe use that as an area of encouragement for those of you who are kind of 'dipping your toes into the water' of what seems to be a huge ocean of stopping smoking seas :D

Remember that you can do this, it's just a matter of recognising that it is you who is in control :-)

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EmJay profile image
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42 Replies
sue52 profile image

Good Morning Emjay and everyone,

I love your pic today, it's so true, i'm glad i choose to be a good pilot for once and quit smoking :) i feel so much better, my tongue looks healthier, no morning cough, and now that we have proper snow, no having to go out to buy or smoke a ciggy :) :)

I hope your snow has stopped now, and the roads and pavements are not slippy, don't want you to fall and hurt yourself

Have a great day, the kettle is on if you want a cuppa :) xx

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hi there

I love the pic as well EmJay. Next time someone says doesn't time fly I'm going to say that, it's so true :)

I hope you are all having a good day. It's been snowing here again all day but not sticking, it is getting a bit heavier now though so you never know we might get to go home early :D fingers crossed.

I'll have a cuppa please Sue or maybe I'm too late now, it was a while ago you asked. Did you manage to sleep ok Sue, I hope there was no more bad weather to disturb you .

Four of my ex colleagues turned up today, one of them was my old boss and he is the nicest boss every it was a lovely suprise to see them all and they headed off to the pub for lunch but I couldn't go as I had to stay in work to sort something out :( They did plan to all turn up it wasn't just a coincidence :)

I've just had a chicken cuppa soup for lunch, very nice in this weather but I would prefer a nice meat and potato pie... sorry I'm hungry again !

Speak to you later, have a great afternoon. xx

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz,

I'm sorry your getting snow again, but as you say you may get home early :) your not to late for a cuppa, my kettle is on all day, when i get on the laptop i'll send you biccies to go with it, and a pie :)

That was a bit mean of them going to the pub when you couldn't :( they should have planned it better, at least you got to see them all again :)

Have a great afternoon Kazz, i hope you get home early :) xx

EmJay profile image

Afternoon Everybody,

I've been quite busy today and so just having a good catch up.

You're right about time John, the world would still go round, however I reckon that there'll be a few muddled people who wouldn't know whether they were coming or going without their watches :D Unless they could trust their own body clock :-)

Susan, I hope you are all nice, toasty and safe in your home? If not take great care if you have to venture out missus :-)

Kazz, just tell work that Pete said you can go :D A nice afternoon pub lunch, yum yum :-)

I missed out on that cuppa too, so shall off my pop and put the kettle on... Anbody else fncy one?

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

hey everyone

hope your all having a good Wednesday ;)

Its mighty cold here today, the snow is starting to melt and the roads are black again :)

had a GREAT morning today, got ANOTHER pizza made this morning, the kitchen cleaned and the floor washed, then I had a nice man here to fit my new glass in the sitting room window that I have been waiting to be replaced for nearly 2 years O(

I had a extremely early night last night, I got into my pj's at 6.30pm because I was feeling absolutely rotten ;(

As soon as my free bingo finished at 9pm I went to bed, read a bit of my book for 15 minutes and went to sleep at 9.15pm

I couldn't believe I woke up just before midnight needing a pee and I still had a full nights sleep ahead of me! lol

This going to sleep early is fantastic for me getting up in the morning!

The kids were outside at 8.15am building snowmen before the bus came lol

I dont smoke my e-fag as much as I have been, dont think I used it at all yesterday :)

OH Kazza that is such a shame you could not go for lunch with your friends, have you arranged another meeting? Hopefully you will manage to go next time

Does anyone have any plans for the weekend?

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone,

Just got a washing done, hubbys work clothes, now I'm having a sit down, he's gonna make dinner for me he said, wonder what he's done :o :D :D

Vida sounds fussy John, just like my son then :D :D, hope she's not making too much noise :D

I'm staying in today Emjay, don't want anymore broken bones :D, although all the snow is disappearing now and we have blue skies, it doesn't seem to last very long here :)

You've had a busy morning Sarah, it is good to get up early, from what I can remember :D :I hope you go from strength to strength now, but stay alert cause these nasty cravings can hit at any time :)

I'm off to have din dins now, will chat later :) xx

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

you havent broken a bone have you sue?

oh no.... I dont want the nasty cravings to come :(

Im doing so well not to eat rubbish, been eating lots of fruit and veg and it's been doing my body wonders.

I have been filling up with veg soup at lunch time, had a bit of pizza with my soup today and it was delishious, not sure if I will be hungry for tea!

Dont even know what to make tonight!

Anybody got any good ideas?

something nice and healthy but filling and cosy for a cold horrid night

sue52 profile image

Hi Sarah,

Sorry didn't meant to scare you :( it's just that cravings can hit at anytime so you just need to be aware so you can fight them off

I don't have any broken bones at the moment, thank goodness, but I have in the past, a couple of years ago I broke both my wrists, a week apart, and last year 2 ribs, I seem to break easily :D :D :D

Your doing really well on the food front :), way better than me at the moment, not sure what to suggest for tonight, it depends what you have in, I like stews in this weather, a chicken one with lots of veg

Have a good day Sarah :) xx

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

we've had chicken twice this week, roast on Sunday and curry with the leftover on Monday.

I doubt I dont have anything out of the freezer just yet

might have to go and root around in the freezer

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

:D I will do that next time EmJay, threaten them with our Peetie Weetie and his spears :) that's sure to scare them.

I didn't arrange another meeting with them Sarah because they travel around so much that it's very difficult to get them all together in the same place at the same time. The good thing about not going to the pub is that I would have wanted to stay there and not come back to work.

You have been very busy again Sarah, that's a long long time to be waiting for the glass to be replaced, I hope you didn't get too many draughts coming through during this cold spell.

I love having an early night like that, as you say, you wake up and there is still hours to go before you have to get up... bliss :)

Thanks Sue, I will eat the biccies and pie standing up so they don't count :)

Can't wait to get home tonight, I'm going to have a nice, long soak in a hot bubble bath, put my jimjams on then make chicken, mash, swede and carrot and gravy for my tea. Well if I can manage it after scoffing the biccies and pie Sue is giving me :D

Bye for now xxx :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

That's what I'm going to make this weekend Sue, a chicken stew, as you say, you can't beat a bit of comfort food in this weather. A nice beef stew with or without dumplings would be nice Sarah, I only say without because they are quite high in calories and it's sounds like you are doing a great job with eating healthily.

You've broken a few bones there Sue, you and Mad both sound as if you have been in the wars :( If your hubby makes tea and brings you flowers then he's definitely been up to no good :D These men just can't win can they, if they don't do things for us we moan if they do then we think they have a guilty conscience :D

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

had to get the window replaced because it was filling up with water, was horrible and couldn't see out of it.

tea is sorted, kids are happy to have pizza and soup that's been leftover! lol NO COOKING YAY

we have got NOTHING on tonight which is great, kids shower night tonight, they are out sledging so will be glad of the showers tonight.

I'll be doing the same tonight as I did last night, I'll have a shower and get into pj's ready for my free bingo at 7pm but I'll watch cbb eviction tonight, rather looking forward to that ;)

your tea sounds good Kazzachoc, suede is just like turnip isn't it?

we've not had clapshot for AGES, hmmmmm might have to get a neep tomorrow and have that for tea with some mince.

that is a shame you haven't managed another meeting with your friends. I do hope you will some other time.

we have our sons Orkney Wedding tomorrow night at school. he is SO excited for that, we will get all the traditional Orkney wedding (shame there will be no cog though or brandy in the cake! lol)

does anyone have plans for the weekend?

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz, here's your biccies

4.bp.blogspot.com/_YWzv7MwI... don't eat them all at once :D :D

and your meat and potato pie


I'm off to make soup for tea tonight, will chat later :) xx

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

I like that photo John. they are pretty birds.

I hope you enjoy your visit with your mother in law, is she still very active?

sue52 profile image

Awwww that's so cute :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Those biscuits look gorgeous Sue, they will just tide me over until I have my tea and that pie .. well what can I say, I can tell it's home made mmm thanks :D

I don't know why but I can never open your links from work John, I can open Sue's though :) I will have a look at Amor gazing adoringly at Vida when I get home.

What type of soup are you making Sue? I am trying to find a nice recipe for lentil soup but I just keep finding ones with loads of herbs and spices in. My mum used to make a great one and I know she wouldn't have used lots of herbs and spices and it had no meat in it but she threw the recipe out so if anyone knows of one please let me know.

What is clapshot Sarah? It doesn't sound very appetising :)

Not sure what I am doing at the weekend yet, probably just the usual, shopping and housework on Saturday, out Saturday night and absolutely nothing on Sunday :) can't wait.

I'm off home soon so I will speak to you all later. Enjoy your tea xx

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner in reply toKazzachoc


I make lentil soup the whole time, its not difficult

I dont have a recipe though, I just make it




chicken/veg stock

pile of lentils! lol

melt some butter in a pot, add your veg and saute

boil a full kettle full of water, add 2 stock cubes in a measuring jug, mix with some water and add that and your water to the pot

let that cook for 1/2 hour then add your lentils.

then just let it simmer till it's cooked.

I am laughing at Johns idea of clapshot! hahaha no vd's been in this house and hopefully never will be ;) (unless the hubby get's up to no good)

Clapshot is potatoes and turnip boiled up together and chapped up together with salt and pepper

Its REALLY good with mince, corned beef, bacon grill or anything you would have potatoes with.

I dont know the ratio though, know you dont put as much turnip as potatoes (or neep and tatties as we call them lol) I think it's a Scottish thing, or maybe a Orkney thing

sue52 profile image

I'm just making vegetable soup Kazz cause I have lots of veg in the house :)

That's my daughter and her hubby up for a visit, I'll come back on when there gone have a good evening everyone :) xx

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

haha I like the photos mad

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Thanks for the recipe Sarah, that sounds like just what I am looking for and I will make that soon. All I remember of my mums is that she used to put a bay leaf in it and liquidised it. Sorry I didn't answer your question earlier, I think swede is very much like turnip from what I've heard. My mum always used swede in stews, I'm not sure if I've every had turnip. There must be some difference or they would both be called turnips or both called swede so maybe someone can enlighten us ? :)

I love your view on clapshot JC :D :D though it sounds nice Sarah, the food that is, a real Winter warmer. I have heard of neeps and tatties, might be safer to call it that, I don't think I will risk telling people I've had clapshot just in case :D

Lovely picture of Amor & Vida JC, they are so beautiful. Looks like Amor is in love aaahh :)

Thanks for the pics Mad, it's funny because the only one I could open was the one you sent for me and my mates on a night out, have you done something so that we can only open the ones that apply to us :)

Don't act your age, I love acting immature when I get the chance, we are all young at heart I think no matter what our age.

Have a good evening with your daughter Sue, good timing they can have some of your vegetable soup to warm them up.

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Great pics Mad, I've managed to open them all now, something for everyone :D We need to find one for you :)

Gremlins again, trying to post for 2nd time....

3rd time.....

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

How did you go on at the clinic John? What was your reading today?

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody :) :)

day 6 of champix - well I'm not getting any head aches now, nor indigestion :) so my body must have got used to them now, but i do sound a bit hoarsy and I seem to have a lot of erm erm wind :o :| and thats without the patches and the fanta orange juice :D :D

I seem to be sleeping ok too, no weird dreams yet, well not that i can remember eh :o :D

I see that some yummy food has cropped up again :P :) :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Mad :) great pics gal :D :D

I would loooooooooove to sit back and rock in a rocking chair gal, hey you could come and rock me to sleep if you like :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Aup JC :)

I might try that myself, sounds yummy in my tummy tooooo :P :D

What a lovely word -- Clapshot :) :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Yes John,

Ha ha ha ha I fell off my chair when I read your reply, and then Sarah's reply :D :D :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

That chocolate sauce sounds yummy but I will do without the pears, I don't mind tinned pears but I'm not ruining a good chocolate sauce with fruit :) My mum used to make a gorgeous chocolate sauce with Carnation Milk when we had banana splits, they were yummy.

Sarah, look what you have started now with your clapshot :D :D

HI Peetie Weetie, so how is the Champix affecting your smoking, is it making you cut down? I found I just didn't get the same enjoyment out of a cigarette, they didn't taste horrible but they just didn't have as much taste.

It's a amazing what car fumes can do, you wouldn't realise how much carbon monoxide you are breathing in unless you were having a reading like you JC. Yes it would be interesting to see your reading when you don't walk in the rush hour.

I think I might have to change to patches, I think I am getting addicted to the niQuitin minis, I managed to cut down to 4 a day but now I must be back up to 8 and today I came very close to buying some cigarettes, I've been thinking about them all day but I've resisted. It's weird how the cravings come and go.

I would love a rocking chair Pete, I would probably rock myself to sleep every night :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toKazzachoc

Hiiiiiiiya Kaz, :)

Erm the champix has'nt made any difference yet, i dont think :o :|

hey if we both had a rockin chair, we could rock each other to sleep :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Oy who you callin a turnip then :o :|


Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER in reply tomonky


Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

or tatties and neeps as those in Scotland call it :D Ok Mad, you seem to be the font of all knowledge on here, so what is the difference between a turnip and a swede other than the name :D Sarah and I were talking about it earlier and we don't know. We've both heard that they taste the same.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

keep takin the tablets Mad :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

:D :D :D

Nice one JC :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

ok, well if they are both the same then why are they called different things. Swede head :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

We never learnt about turnips and swede in school, so I blame the gaps in the education system.

Anyway I'm going to look on Asda's website and see if they sell turnips AND swede :D I will be back anon.

Clapshot does sound like an dose of antibiotic :D I am laughing out loud here at you lot :D

Yeah, that would be great Pete, sat next to each other in our rocking chairs, you drinking a cannie and me with my Southern Comfort & Coke, hereonin referred to as SCAC. :)

I will give the patches a go I think John, I will finish off the lozenges I have them get some patches.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Oooooh am gettin all confused now :o :o



I will have to go and get my poor head down now, so I will say nite nite to all you lovely peo, erm no - lovely friends on this site :) you all take care now and sweet dreams to you all :)

Luvs ya all xxxx :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

:D this is brilliant, Sarah will never live this down :D

I remember a boy getting sent out of our class for saying something daft in our Personal & Social Development class, it was a bit rude but it made us laugh. I wonder sometimes if the teachers want to laugh as well but can't :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Swedes came from Sweden and were known as the Swedish turnip- & this name was shortened to Swede. Swedes are frost proof, but turnips are not – so swedes can stay in the garden all winter & turnips must be harvested before the cold weather.!

Ha! There is a difference. it's all about the frost

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

At least he's still JC :D

Now we have JC and PT :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Night night JC, and PT, that clapshot looks lovely.

Sweet dreams, sleep well.

At least we've all lasted a bit longer tonight Mad, not going to bed at 21:30 with our Horlicks :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

:D swede dreams Mad, speak to you tomorrow, xx :)

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

OMG Im laughing at this posts.

You will never believe what I got called last night on the bingo chat.

Some ever so nice lady called me a **** ****, I have never laughed so much for a while. pretty much everyone on the chat room got into it and were making jokes about sniffing, I'd said that my sore head had gone, someone had then said 'who needs vicks when you can sniff crotches to clear the sinus's'

I am really thankfull that I did not have dreams about sniffing crotches last night because I seem to be having really weird dreams about things/people around me since I stopped smoking! lol

I dont think that I should tell you any of the words we use in Orkney just in case you think we are a bunch of wierdos! lol

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