Hi guys it's my first time on here I have been smoking for 18 years and at the age of 29 I have been diagnosed with COPD which is normally in the age range of 40+ that this disease affects I am on day four does any1 have any tips for me please thanks
Stop smoking : Hi guys it's my first time on... - Quit Support
Stop smoking

Hi Ryan, welcome to the forum. Good decision to give up esp with copd diagnosis. Are you using any NRT? It helps and improves your chances of staying quit. It is hard work and it's important you stay quit with copd.
I used patches and gum and sometimes the inhalator. Didn't think I could do it but am 3 months quit now. Feeling lots better. It's still hard and still using gum but it gets easier. The first few weeks r the worst you have to stay strong get through it. So my advice is get NRT.
Also Alan Carr book easy way to give up smoking is a good read. Also have a look round the various posts on here. If you need anything just ask everyone helpful and friendly.
Well done on reaching day 4. π
Thank you for your advice I am using patches and the little tabs you put under your tongue they seem to working very well I went out last night even tho I don't drink it was a big test for me but when my mates went out for a cig I had a micro tab and I didnt have one all night and I was out till 4am this morn.. The whole reason of me quitting is mainly for my 7 year old son he adores me and I don't want to die and him be left without a dad sorry for the long story and thanks for taking time to read it π
And well done on your 3 month stopping smoking I can't wait to hit that target I'm taking each day as it comes
Yeah your son is the best motivation for quitting your copd can only get better with quitting.
Patches and tabs sounds like a good plan same as me really with the gum. You're in the most difficult part right now. After about a week I got really irritable and angry you have to prepare for that and get through it it's almost funny when u look back on it. Just stay calm and stay strong with ur decision to quit no matter what. It then gets better.
This is the hardest part and it gets better. I know we all still on here moaning how hard it is but it's nothing compared to the first couple weeks. Ur doing brilliant. We'll help u all we can π
Congratulations on working out No1 priority!! Love for your son is the most important thing in your life, a stupid cigarette your preventable death sentence - not a hard choice you would think. BUT it is hard and difficult to do so all the very best and I hope you really succeed!
Ngaire xx

I'm determined to do it I've tried before but had a fag at night time I was just finding any excuse before but I WILL DO IT THIS TIME LOL. I'm glad I found this site as I normally struggle on my own it's nice to no people are nice enough to help others I wish you all the best too βπ»

I tell myself i can have a fag but I CHOOSE NOT TO π
I found that was a good way for me to do it Ryan. I carried half a packet around for about 3 months when i quit. If i had none..I believe i would have gone and brought some..but being able to have a smoke anytime i wanted one put me in control..
There is no right or wrong way - it is a matter of finding out the best way that works for you
so right about that Linda--I still have them in a drawer and as I said in another post had my bedside ashtray complete with butts till a few days ago--I knew it kept me from the fear factor but never looked at it like it was giving me a sense of control too--Makes total sense--Look it in the eye--and say screw u Mr Nic-- Thank you MmeT
What a dreadful shock the diagnosis must have been for you, especially as you're so young, so you've definitely made the right decision to give up.
I had a bad chest infection, then a spirometry test, but was lucky enough to be just under the score for COPD diagnosis by a tiny amount, which scared me enough to encourage me to quit.
You asked for tips. Every time I want a cigarette I remember how scared I was when struggling to breathe and that helps. Menthol sweets help a bit as it's possible to feel your breathe going in, so I take deep breaths while sucking it and pretend it's better than a cigarette!
Day 4 is fantastic against how long you smoked, well done and I'll look forward to offering congrats on day 14 too.

Hiya Ryan and welcome to quit supportπ
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis and you know that the most important thing you can do for your future health, is stop smokingπ©
Your future is your sons health and happiness, so it's really important that you do this. As you say, it's your choice and you have chosen the right way. So huge congratulations on 4 days, be proud of yourselfππΌππΌππΌππΌ
Our mantra is NOPE not one puff everπππππ
You can do it and we're here to help, good luck and look forward to a healthier and wealthier futureππ

Hi ya Ryan2308 and a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community
to which I can see you've had some great advise and help
Ryan, you are very young to have COPD BUT, its perhaps your body saying ''OYYYY, come on pal, its time you looked after me ''
Quitting smokin is the BEST ever thing you can do
soooo please, please stick at it, through thick and thin, its NOPE alllllllll the way
Not One puff Ever
any probs, you just come on here and we will try to help you
Thanks Pete every time I think of having a fag I'm gonna do what u said come on here and seek help. It's deffo time to stop I've got so much to live for day 5 2mora I ain't putting my body through this again I've not gone this long without having a single puff onwards and upwards for me βπ»π
Ryan, you just feel free ta come on here when ever pal, cos there's normally somebody knocking about
We have members from all over the World on here, soooo, there's different time zones therefore, there is always somebody lurking about
Ryan, you hold your head up high and be PROUD of yourself and your achievement
cos am dead flippin proud of ya pal
You stay focused and above all POSITIVE on your quit, cos that flippin mr nic will chuck all sorts of stuff at ya, but just think your a cricketer and hit mr nic for a flippin SIX eh

Morning Ryan, I'm really in awe of your strength & determination to stop smoking, essentially for your little man but primarily for you! A COPD diagnosis is such a wake up call - I had same diagnosis bout a month ago now-I don't think it really matters when you're told you have it, it's what you do next that's the important stuff! Since I was diagnosed, I started running again-well, OK, running a while then walk, run, walk-you get the picture! I'm going for a pulmonary rehab appointment on March 3rd to get a clearer picture of where I'm at now & what I can do to help myself for the future. You are doing so brilliantly my friend and yes, the first few weeks are a kind of madness but I promise you, it WILL get to a point where you climb into bed at night and suddenly think 'wow!!! I haven't thought about a cigarette at all today'!! I'm 8 months in & very rarely think about smoking at all now-as Arizona often says, keep your reason for quitting close....hers is that females in her family are prone to having strokes. Yours is your little man. Much love, Poll X
Hi ryan I've been given up for 3months now I'm 54 and smoked since I was about 16 never ever thought I would give up but I have I do vape which is cheating a little but I don't care because its got me off the fags you are doing so well the first weeks are so hard because it seems as if smoking is all you think about but I hardly think of it at all now and things are so much better skin is clearer hair is softer teeth are whiter and you smell so much better so you think its tough but everything will improve and your future health will be so much better so take a deep breath and say to yourself nope for the rest of your life which will be long and healthy
Hi Ryan! You've found the greatest support group here. You can do this, I promise. It's so rewarding to have the power to not smoke again, and I see you've made it past the first 3 days, which were always the hardest for myself and everyone I know. You're doing so great, you should be very proud of yourself! Also, I suck on menthol cough drops, it helps my sore throat and always takes away the urge to smoke.
Good luck, we're here for you!