Hey guys hope all if well
Its 4 am and I've got the worst heart burn ever absolutely nothing is working and for yet another night it's keeping me awake. I got heartburn before I quit which I get stuff from the doctor for the always worked.but right now nothing's working.... Everything from eating to sleeping is now a nightmare its getting worse the longer my quit time
My doctors been saying for years quitting will improve my heartburn blah blah but this is just b****y horrendous!! I need to sleep..., even if I do have to do it sitting up!!
I'm reading heartburn can get worse while your quitting for between 3weeks to 3 months but should settle down .. So in theory I should have a couple weeks left.. !!
Has anyone else noticed this heartburn problem. ???
Also my chemist mentioned about an underlying problem with your stomach which is actually calmed by smoking..?? Apparently people only notice it when they quit as smoking has kept the symptoms at bay??!! Has anyone heard of that.
Anyway I'm going to attempt to go back to sleep..night all